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Give us our sewers back. :D


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I liked the sewers in Oblivion. I like the ratway in Riften. There are already sewer grates in the cities in Skyrim. Would some kind modder like to build networks of sewers beneath the largest towns in Skyrim? Not only would it add more dungeons to explore, but it would increase city realism. Plus, they could perhaps add alternate ways for stealthy characters to enter towns. It wouldn't be very hard to do- to my knowledge, making new interior spaces is one of the easiest things to do in the creation kit.
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Sewers add so much Immersion...

I dont know the limits of how big you can make an indoor enviorment, BUT it might be cool to have,


1) A sewer that goes on for a few miles. I don't mean a sewer with rooms every 100 feet. Just long n Twisty. Every few hundred feet some Rats, A trap,

a surprise now and then.


2) It branches off 2 or 3 ways. Left Tunnel Riften, Right tunnel Winterhold, etc.

(If Possible)

3) Tunnels lead to Caves or Dungeons along the route. Sewer grate or Ladder.

4) Make a few Dungeons ONLY available thru hidden sewer entrances.


IDk all I could think of for now,,

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