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Modding weapons with 1.4


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Hello, I wanted to mod my weapons, to change their rarity, damage, or add infinite ammo to guns. I have weapons like that, but I wanted to create them myself. Are those bugged weapons made with Developer Menu? I want to know how they are made, because if they are made with Cheat Menu, I would need to download whole game, which takes time.

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Existing game weapons can be changed by altering values for certain attributes on the item in its respective inventory definition file. You would then include the modified file in your Data3.pak file (while respecting the file location tree).


Making tweaks to weapons in files for personal use is great if you only play single player. However, if you plan to play co-op, these changes you made go away if you remove your mod to then play online. To play online with your altered files and with other people, you would need to send your exact Data3.pak file that contains your altered files to every other person you intend to play with for you to be able to play together and have your modified files active on your games. Their accepting your modified pak is their agreement to allowing such modified weapons to be active during your play session with them.




However, if by 'bugged weapons' you are talking about wanting to unfairly alter official game weapons to have better attributes that are also able to be used in online play without needing a mod installed, these weapons and those who use them are cheaters. Don't be a cheater. The changes made to these weapons were achieved via use of cheating programs designed and intended for single player game use only, but are being used by a few to ruin online gameplay for others. Use of such programs to unfairly alter online play is not endorsed or supported on this website, or by any self-respecting player, or human for that matter.


Creation and/or possession and use of such cheat items serves no purpose other than being a way to have an unfair advantage over others in multiplayer who do not cheat.

Use of such items to cheat in multiplayer (or cheating of any kind in any game) says a lot about a person.


Personally, I recommend that an individual should leave a game if they see or suspect someone using one of these hacked items and to tell them why - that cheating and using intentionally modified game files for an unfair advantage over others will only leave them playing by themselves, as it should be if they are using such items. One who continues to play with those who cheat is the same as condoning their use and one is then also complicit in the cheating being done against the other players. Please, do not cheat - have a little respect for your fellow gamers, fellow humans, and especially for yourself.


Again, the above was only directed if you actually were referring to such cheat items.

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