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Creation Kit issues - please help!


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I tried the Bethesda forums but no one has replied to my thread. This is really my last chance before I give up the hope of ever making a mod.


I downloaded the CK through Steam without a hitch. I get these error messages when I start:


MASTERFILE: NavmeshInfor 00028e37 has no parent space, ignoring


MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:

Base: 'ShipTrapdoor01MinUseHidden' (00061435)

Ref: " (00099315)

Cell: 'Wilderness' (0000967A) (2, -6) in world 'Tamriel' (0000003C)


MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:

Base: 'AutoLoadDoor01' (00031897)

Ref: " (00015E1D)

Cell: 'YngolBarrowExterior' (0000B452) (38, 11) in world 'Tamriel' (0000003C)


MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:

Base: 'AutoLoadDoor01' (00031897)

Ref: " (0001779F)

Cell: 'KarthwastenExterior03' (0000707A) (-34, 9) in world 'Tamriel' (0000003C)


etc they're all the same style after that. Additionally:


  • Can't move objects via click-and-drag in the Render window
  • Can't right-click "delete" objects from the Cell View window; nothing happens
  • Cell View window is always incrediably tiny no matter how many times I resize it
  • Almost all of any object's information is blacked out and inaccessible for me to edit
  • Cannot rotate the camera in the Actor Preview window - this leaves me stuck staring at the backside of every actor I am trying to edit


I have tried uninstalling/reinstalling. Being the non-tech-savvy person that I am, that leaves me with 0 ideas left as to what is going on. Please, please, SOMEONE help me!

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  • 3 months later...
Sad when I turn to Google for a solution to some of the same problems, and this was the first result. Why can no one answer these questions?!
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This is a known issue and the solution is remarkably simple. Just use the option to ignore all the errors and you'll be fine. Don't expect it to ever get fixed, so you'll have to manually ignore all these errors for the foreseeable future.
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As stated by RedRavyn, it happens to everyone and it's now taken for granted that you just ignore these errors and click the "Yes to All" option ... It doesn't seem to have any ill effects and the CK seems to function fine ...

That's probably why you've seen so little/no response to your query, it's just accepted now ...

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  • 1 year later...

Yes I know this thread is more than a year old but this still kinda were google directs a search on this matter.


So, if anyone would come by and read this:


Is anyone else experiencing not having a "yes to all" button?

The error-message window tells me to press that button, but I can only press "yes", "no", or "cancel". FYI my OS is not using english as system language, but swedish, even though I doubt that should matter.

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