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crafting scrolls


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As with my other request here I am obsessed with writing but do not know how to mod.


I'd like to create a scribe/loremaster character without any big capabilities at magic himself but using scrolls ad nauseam to get by in the world of Skyrim.

My first try was very depressing as the variety of scolls is limited at best. (and quite expensive)


So I had the idea to make scrolls craftable and adjusteable like the common enchantements on weapons and armor.


I know that this may include a major effort on balancing scrolls to the gameplay as well as creating even the possibilities for adjusteable enchantements on scrolls ...

I imagine one could circumvent the "adjusteability" (is this even a word?) by the size of soul gem used for crafting.


maybe it would be necessary to unlock a perk "enchanting scrolls" in the enchanting tree?



I know that this is not a small piece of work I request here.

If I can help in any way you can imagine I will put my best effort into asisting you.

In my head there are many more ideas for this mod, so if you are interested, feel free to contact me.

I just hope someone out there with much more skill and understanding likes my idea.

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