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Getting Something Activated on Block


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I have been pokin around, and for the most part, the CK is pretty easy to mess with... Ive make a few weapons, new textures, new meshes... but when i went to make a weapon version of Spellbreaker, a shield that casts a ward while blocking, for the life of me i cannot figure out how to make it work... i cant figure out how to script it, and it wont let an enchantment of that type on a weapon... any help would be appreciated!
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Well the spellbreaker doesnt use script at all, its way much simplier than that, basically what it does is apply an enchantment with a condition (being that condition IsBlocking) nothing to do with Papyrus, you just need to create a new enchant, on the menu right click on conditions, new, on condition function select IsBlocking, where comparasion you use == and 1 in value and the shield will do as its told when block.
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Ok thats interesting seems like I cant apply the enchant to a weapon either ... you might be into something here.

EDIT:Ok this is curious, skyedit does let you do it but the ck doesnt, I remember adding the Unrelenting force effect to a weapon, so everytime I hit a target it goes flying in the sky, I cant do that with the ck, at least not in the same simple way.

Edited by porroone
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I am just glad I'm not crazy... I will look into this Skyedit, cause dagnabit, i wanna have a ward when i block with a 2handed sword!


Ok... bloody hell... on block enchants implemented with skyedit just cause a CTD.... anyone have any ideas?



also, how to i get nifscope to change a weapon from WeaponSword(4) to WeaponBack(4)... I tried googlefu, but it said just type in the new string... but it only lets me enter numbers... Can anyone shed some enlightenment?

Edited by Glandrelgnala
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Well I have nothing, only that my skyedit edit of my weapon with unrelenthing force works pretty well, enemies like to fly.

With the nifskope you mean changing a 1h sword to show on back? I've been trying to do it, I think you need to use a 2h weapon base mesh to create a new 1h sword or else copying the node from the 2h sword and implementing it to the 1h one, but thats a bit harder, I think it should be easier to get rid of the nitrshapedata of the 2h sword nif so you keep the nodes, copy the block of the nitrshapedate from the 1h sword and paste it on the empty 2h sword, that could actually work, give it a try and tell me how it goes.

EDIT: Well that last part works, I tested for myself, got the daedric greatsword, removed the nitrshapedate, added my 1h sword (minor angle and position adjustments), I had to go to the creation kit and change the animation type on the weapon to 2H which doesnt change the weapon anim but makes it works, else it just doesnt draw the sword.

Edited by porroone
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let my try to explain it this way, since you are being helpful.


I took DawnBreaker mesh, and Modified it... changed the glow, and size... it looks sick as a 2hander... But i cannot seem to copy data from any other mesh without it screwing up, It just tells me that strings are pointing to the wrong boxes(whatever that means) and i cannot enter raw data into nifscope. From what i can tell, all i need to do is change NiStringExtraData from WeaponSword to WeaponBack. But i cannot figure out how to change it. Maybe i just need a better tutorial for nifskope or a more user friendly mesh editor... peh.

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Well what I did with the 1h sword works, I guess it should do the same with the shield, just get rid of the NitriShape from the two handed sword, when you select the node you will see the mesh highlight, with all the triangles and stuff, remove that, then go to the shield, get the NitriShape and paste it under the BSFadeNode of the 2h sword that doesnt have a model inside, if it gives you the error that the blocks arent linked properly, check the nodes you copied, compare them with a working 2h sword and see whats missing, then change the needed childs.

This isnt easy stuff, I've spent like 3h getting a dragon skeleton rideable without the game crashing and it was just a matter of adding a node to the skeleton, but then I had to link the stuff, parenting the node to the bone's child if I understood this s*** correctly, anyway GOOD LUCK.

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Yea, i think it will... remember, the location of the sword must match the wield style... not necessarily the # of hands used, but when you draw the weapon, your hand must match the weapon location. In nifskope, open the tree till you find where it is located... it will say Something like WeaponSword(4) or WeaponBack(4) and right next to where it says that is a little TINY txt symbol... click that to enter new text into the string. Find a weapon that matches the style you want to use, and use that code. I got my 2handed version of Dawnbreaker (called Duskbreaker) working with Nifskope using a modified dawnbreaker texture, and i ended up making a ring version of Spellbreaker on a ring that requires a 2handed weapon to be equiped to produce a ward while blocking. I think it helps make up for the lack of spell hand.
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