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Finally got it for pc.


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I'm not that big on them, but Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul (OOO) is supposed to be very good, and Martigens Monster Mod (MMM) is good for diverse monsters, wildlife, and NPCs. Weapons and armor is ALWAYS great. And take my advice, stay away from "Exmnem" or "UFF" or "Robert". Those turn your copy of Oblivion Get out of Town, Yo! (sarcasm) into porn. Just trust me on this.
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Please start with a simple mod. Starting with OOO or MMM will cause problems. Start simple, then add only one mod. then after you get the hang of it try one of the bigger mods. be sure to test it thoroughly before adding any more. I have seen too many people get excited and try to add a dozen mods at a time. then spend the next week trying to unscrew their game.


For the best mods, look at the top 100 list. these are both the most popular and most stable mods available.


If you haven't figured it out by reading some of this forum, the PC is not as stable as a console for a game like Oblivion. That's because on the console everything is exactly the same on every one, while on the PC nearly every body's PC will be different. Then with mods everybody's game is different. You will see crashes. don't be upset when it happens. Just back up and try again. When you can't figure out what the problem is, ask here and we will help.


I have written a beginners intro to mods from how to download, how to unzip and how to get your mod into the game - look here



You will have to register, but its free. registering is just to keep the barbarians out.

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If you're looking for an interesting home:


Rumare Castle



These are great homes too, and add pretty extensive quests:


Glenvar Castle



Hoarfrost Castle




And these are closer to expansions than actual mods:


Lost spires



Verona House Bloodlines



These will give you a companion that will follow you around and help you fight and carry loot:








Oh and contrary to deadnerzhuls statement, exnems isn't porn. It is nudity, yes(if you get the nude version, but there's an underwear version too), but it isn't porn.

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I tried adding the Midas Magic mod , but it doesn't seem to be working :<

It shows up the the mod manger list and in the data files , but not in game.

Also , the 1.20 patcher isn't.. doing anything :| It just keeps crashing.

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