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Re: patch crashing.


First, forget about installing mods until you get the game working properly.

If you are using the D2D version, the patch will not work and any mods that require it will not either. Not Bethesda's fault the D2D is encrypted and will not allow changes. Some mods. Those that do not use the patch will work.


If you are using a cracked game. The patch probably will not work. Don't be so cheap, buy the game, but not the D2D version if you want to be able to patch it to the latest version.


If you are using Shivering isles and have already installed the latest SI patch - you have the latest patch, the Oblivion patch is included.

If you installed one of the older beta SI patches - you will have to reinstall and use only the latest SI patch. (Per Bethesda official info)


The best place to download the patches is the official oblivion site http://www.elderscrolls.com/downloads/updates_patches.htm


The Oblivion patch comes in 2 versions US & UK - they are different. you must use the proper one for your version of Oblivion.


Test the game before adding any mods. If it doesn't work without mods it won't work with them either. (Yes, people have actually done that)


Midas is one of those large mods I tried to warn you about. It does require the 1.2 patch to work. Look here for more info on Midas http://www.bethsoft.com/bgsforums/index.ph...833032&st=1

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Jynxbag dont listen to those kids....... ( except Bben46 )


Look for what suits your taste in character. Do a search for what you are looking for, you will probably find it. make sure you get the patch 1.2.416 or something ( the 416 is what you need )


If i were to make a suggestion i would first off try downloading a simple armor mod that adds something to a shop like armory of the silver dragon so you can see if you installed it right.


Exnems isnt porn but if you choose to play as a female or have a female character there is some great armor for exnems. And you can always get the underwear version. Midas magic store is in the arcane university to the right as soon as you entered. Also i would suggest OBSE ( oblivion script extender ) it allows you to do some pretty cool stuff ( AKA its the violence mod )


good luck modding the game.


Also get OBMM ( oblivion mod manager ) if you choose to mod. it keeps track of what you have and you can set things in a load order to avoid conflicts.

There is also the Unique landscape mods check those out too if you like some land eyecandy.

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