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[Rel] Construction Set Extender


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Construction Set Extender
Showing the CS the love it deserves
version 8.1

Requires Oblivion Script Extender

Download : TESNexus

Development Channel : Once-In-Awhile'lies

GitHub : BGSEEBase | CSE


A wise old person once started a thread in the BGS forums with these words:

We've all done it at some point - Wished that Bethesda would fix the damned thing *show of rage* ... and add some of those godsend features that would make life so much easier.

Unfortunately, nothing ever came of it. Beth moved on to creating more trouble with the GECK, leaving us in the dust with an aging, one-legged buzzard. But hope springs eternal. I've created this thread just in case a lone (and handsome) vagabond chances upon it and takes to themself the task of fattening the damned bird.

*tumbleweeds fly* *the wind makes an obscene sign in the sand* *the snow…oh* *the smoke clears, albeit slowly*

“Well, I’ve been told that I’m handsome…”

Fine Print

The Construction Set Extender is a lone and handsome vagabond OBSE plugin that enhances the TES4 CS by fixing various bugs and adding new tools. One may say it makes the CS what it was meant to be, but that would be a lie [snip]*.

* - Modified for political correctness.


This mod is, and should be, compatible with every other OBSE plugin there is. This plugin is not fully compatible with ENB Series graphic mods. The CSE may fail to load or crash when the former is installed.


Special thanks to :

  • Ian Patterson, Stephen Abel and Paul Connelly (The OBSE Team) – For keeping up the Oblivion Modding spirit and providing the modding community with TES4 Oblivion's Elixir of Immortality
  • LHammonds – For his Readme generator
  • Scruggsywuggsy the ferret - For putting up with me over the course of CSE's development, providing advice, adding stuff to OBSE as I needed and letting me do all sorts of immoral stuff to the code. Kudos to you, mate!
  • IanPat – Same as above.
  • Cipscis - For inspiring the very first version of the plugin that came to become CSE.
  • haama, Waruddar, Corepc, kyoma, DragoonWraith, PacificMorrowind, tejon, JRoush and Vacuity - For taking interest in and testing the plugin and working with me through the many arduous months of development. Hats off to you guys!
  • JRoush & Kyoma – For their many contributions to the code base.
  • Sen-Chan, CorePC, lilith, daemondarque and the rest of the Team Alpha group - For being such a friendly bunch and keeping me company.
  • Lilith & Andalaybay – For proof-reading the manual.
  • AndalayBay – For a whole lot of stuff.
  • Arthmoor – For constantly breaking the development builds.
  • Vorians – For forgiving the auxiliary viewport window in the end.
  • TesaPlus – For a whole lot of Coda related testing.
  • The “Dark Creations” Denizens – For eta testing the various development builds.
  • All the modders who contributed to the 'CS Wishlist' and 'Script Editor Wishlist' thread - CSE's chock-full of your suggestions and requests.

The Rest of the Modding Community – For the inspiration I needed to start modding and all the wonderful mods which I use.
Bethesda – For providing a great game Construction Set with enough flaws to keep us me busy.

Change Log


8.1 -
Fix assertion triggered by the aux viewport when interacting with the render window OSD
Fix render window input bug that triggered spurious key combos
Fix bug that prevented the creation of preferred path grid points
Add render window context menu toggle for unrestricted mouse movement
Add edit mode indicator to render window info overlay
Prevent stack overflows when recursively loading masters of the selected/active plugin
Add INI toggle to disable panic saves
Fix the bug that caused a CTD when a vanilla assertion was triggered during plugin init
Fix the bug that caused the lip sync generator to fail unexpectedly
Prevent the batch LIP generator from executing when there are open quest/filtered dialog windows
Display and highlight missing masters in the data dialog
Fix the bug the caused jittery mouse movement in the render window when unrestricted mouse movement was enabled
Minor fixes

Only draw LineSelection background for visible lines
Add INI toggle for using Enter as an IntelliSense completion key

Update to VC++ 2017
Update imgui to 1.60
Build fixes


8.0 –
Implement render window OSD
Implement render window cell lists
Implement render window layers
Implement render window selection painting
Implement render window custom key bindings
Implement render window reference filter
Add "Open in Script Editor" context menu tool to the Find Text window
Add support for drag-deselecting refs
Add Visible/Selected-only filters to the cell view reference list
Add toggle for grass overlay
Add support for full camera movement in the aux viewport
Add support for unrestricted mouse movement when transforming references/path grid points/camera
Add new render window tools: Jump to exterior cell, Move camera with selection
Expose previously unknown render window hotkeys/tools
Refactor runtime to improve performance
Add support for full variable initializers
Allow calling of scripts inside nested folders
Add constant "self" for recursively calling scripts
Add function call shorthand
Allow underscores in variable names
Add stack trace to runtime error messages
Add support for multi-line expressions
New commands: Error, StringToNumber, IsBackgrounding, ArrayInsertAt, ArraySetAt, ArrayAppend, IsModified, GetBFCSpellListLeveledEntries, GetCellCoordinates, GetLandscapeTextureAtCoordinates, GetCellLandscapeTextures, GetLinkedDoor
Deprecated commands: ArrayInsert
Replace (int) and (float) casting operators with (num)
Fix Coda script bug that caused binary numbers to be parsed as comments
Fix Coda script bug caused by comment delimiters inside string literals
Fix Coda script reference commands to correctly return boolean values
Fix Coda script command GetRefPersistent
Fix Coda script command CreateRef to correctly parse rotation values
Clarify FormatNumber usage
Add INI toggle to prevent background Coda scripts from logging to the default console context
Add INI setting for script recursion limit
Changes to the public API, manual
Misc changes, fixes and optimizations
Fix CS bug that prevented rotation transformations in local axes
Fix CS bug that occasionally caused CTDs when undo/redoing actions in the render window
Fix CS bug that caused CTDs when references were moved too far, causing a FP overflow
Fix CS bug that didn't release the mouse capture when the Space key was released
Add support for timestamps in console message log contexts
Prevent incoming console messages from being cleared when the buffer reaches its capacity
Highlight active selection in Prefab preview window
Enable experimental Purge Loaded Resources tool
Tick plugin API interface version
Fix UAC-related bug that broke drag-drop support when running the editor with elevated privileges
Remove render window "Align..." context menu tool (available in the OSD/through hotkeys)
Fix mouse cursor flickering in the render window
Fix reference persistence toggling
Change object palette placement key combo to CTRL+ALT+RCLICK
Reference groups are now identified by string IDs and persist between sessions
Make parent-child indication node a wireframe
Remove 'Switch C-Y Hotkeys' render window context menu tool
Reimplement render window fixed camera pivot tool
Change selection ungrouping process to dissolve all groups in the selection
Defer cell view window updates when the render window has mouse capture
Add toggles for the change log features (logging disabled by default)
Misc changes, fixes and optimizations

Implement document scope breadcrumb
Fix assertion triggered by race condition
Allow Enter key to complete IntelliSense suggestions
Fix bug that prevented the cancellation of a 'Close all tabs' operation
Fix bug that caused an OutOfMemory exception when using the 'Load scripts from disk' tool
Fix potential memory leak when using the Load From Disk tool
Display user functions when manually invoking the IntelliSense popup
Fix user function return value parsing
Add "Ignore Comments" option to Find/Replace operations
Improve text editor external scroll bar handling
Hide IntelliSense interface when holding down the CTRL key
Fix DPI scaling issues
Remove delimiter syntax highlighting to improve performance
Misc changes and fixes

Raise minumum OS version to Win 7
Update CrashRpt to
Update AvalonEdit to 5.0.3 (official)
Update ObjectListView to

7.1 –
Fix CTD when opening the edit dialog for a NULL editorID form
Reimplement the 'Replace Base Form' tool
Add Alenet to the secondary Hall of Fame
Fix CTD when refreshing the render window with the F5 key
Misc changes, fixes and additions

Implement outline view
Fix the Save Uncompiled Script CTD
Improve IntelliSense UI's stability
Fix syntax highlighting of strings with backslashes
Add toggle for IntelliSense interface pop-up
Fix comment toggling on rectangle selections
Handle bookmark deletion
Fix icon margin popup display
Update AvalonEdit
Misc changes, fixes and additions

Update to Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Runtime

7.0 -
Implement multiple object window support
Implement multiple preview windows
Add toggle to revert to vanilla preview window behaviour
Implement object palette
Implement object prefabs
Add parent-child reference visual indicators
Add script<->magic item cross reference support
Add form list filters to most editor dialogs
Add a second filter for cells to the cell view window
Expand filterable form lists to support regex queries and search field customization
Save/Load window positions of editor dialog to/from the INI
Add Select None/Load Order buttons to the Data window
Increase combo box dropdown list sizes in the AI package dialog
Fix embarrassing memory leak in ComponentDLLInterface code
Fix object reference placement when using the global clipboard
Add INI toggles for the startup splash screen and automatic Z-offset of duplicated refs in the render window (also add context menu option for the same)
Update hall of fame
Add INI toggle for displaying secondary hall of fame members
Add INI settings for render window painter colors
Remove status bar spam when exporting dialog
Fix Coda script reference SetPosition/Rotation/Scale commands
Add DeleteRef Coda script command
Correctly handle newly created plugin files when preserving timestamps
Mark reference as modified when replacing base form
Change mouse cursor when over frozen refs in the render window
Add render window shortcuts to toggle reduced opacity on references
Add toggle for path grid linked ref indicators
Display enable-state parent and path grid point linked ref data in render window mouse overlay
Fix the CS bug that prevented the Fall tool from correctly displacing path grid points with linked references
Fix the CS bug that caused CTDs when centering/topping the render window camera on non-ref forms
Misc changes, fixes and additions

Major code refactor to improve performance and memory usage
Update AvalonEdit to 5.0.1
Update icons to Modern UI
Improve IntelliSense's script command alias handling
Implement open tabs filter dialog
Implement iconbar margin
Implement global Find/Replace results list
Implement keyboard shortcut for Jump To Script
Add inline search panel
Add local variable syntax highlighting
Add structure/script block visualizer adornment
Add parameter data to IntelliSense script command items
Add validator check to detect invalid operators in condition expressions
Reimplement comment toggling - Ctrl+Q adds, Ctrl+W removes, both toggle for single lines
Make script list dialog fully resizable and add support for persistent bounds
Fix IntelliSense item sorting
Misc changes, fixes and additions

References are no longer limited to the active cell in exteriors - The entire loaded grid is traversed
Sort ownership data combo boxes alphanumerically
Misc fixes and changes

  • Update to Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Runtime
    Allow loading .NET assemblies from remote sources
    Disable plugin when D3D wrappers are detected
    Add support for Windows 8/8.1

    6.3 -
    Fixed a bug that triggered an assertion in the console's warning manager
    Fixed rounding errors related to object reference rotation values
    Fixed a CS bug that allowed the modification of GMST records' editorIDs
    Added a new tool - Save Exterior Cell Snapshot
    Increased the verbosity of vanilla warnings during extra data init
    Prevented temp ref instances from being used as the mouse-over ref
    Add a filter tool to the AI packages dialog
    Add parent cell info to render window selection stats
    Fix a CS bug that triggered an assertion when copying GMST records
    Fix dung shovelling
    Misc additions and changes

    Fixed a bug that caused the IntelliSense interface to popup during batch indent ops
    Improved the stability of the IntelliSense database update task

    Added visibility toggle for initially disabled references and their children
    Fixed a CS bug that caused script compilation to silently fail whenever an invalid condition expression was encountered
    Implemented lip sync file previews
    Added lip sync preview related UI controls to the NPC edit dialog
    Fixed a bug that caused the race edit dialog to incorrectly flag forms as modified when the FaceGen advanced tab was selected
    Rewrote the render window selection manager code
    Added form dragging support in the Find Text dialog
    Added support for multiple selection dragging in listview dialogs
    Improved the following dialog UIs: Climate, Worldspace, Hair, Eye, GameSetting, Global, Birthsign, Race, LoadScreen, Clothing, Armor, Ammo, Weapon, Book, Static
    Fixed the mythical 'Vorians Lagorifious' bug
    Added support for formID filtering in the object and cell view windows
    Reworked the render window reference selection behaviour
    Added a new context menu tool: Replace base form
    Added support for the automatic application of the 'nVidia Fog Fix' on plugin save
    Added checks for circular paths when editing leveled list
    Fixed the CS bug that prevented the falloff exponent text field in Light object edit dialogs from being clamped correctly
    Added support for toggling specific editor warnings
    Added more NULL checks to improve the LOD texture generator's stability
    Prevented Coda script command GetCellObjects from returning invalid forms
    New asset selector option added: Open Asset
    Fixed idle anim path handling in the asset selector tools
    Added a workflow shortcut to the FaceGen advanced parameters editor
    Extended the tooltip view tool to most dialog controls
    Allowed TESFormIDListView edit dialogs to be opened using the quick lookup tool
    Fixed assertion when a Coda script condition expression didn't evaluate to a boolean value
    Allowed case-insensitive operator token comparisons in Coda scripts
    Fixed Coda script function StringFind's return type
    Fixed SetRefRotation Coda script command
    Added menu option to open the Coda script repository in Windows Explorer
    New Coda script commands: GetLoadedRenderWindowCells, AddRefToRenderWindowSelection, RemoveRefFromRenderWindowSelection, CreateRenderWindowSelectionGroup, DissolveRenderWindowSelectionGroup, FloorRef, LoadRefIntoRenderWindow, GetCellUseList, RandomNumber
    Disallowed the serialization of references and arrays in Coda script global vars
    Added support for drag-drop Coda script execution
    Added ondemand background execution support for Coda scripts
    Minor changes, additions and fixes

    Fixed UI flickering that occurred when switching between tabs
    Fixed the bug that caused the script list dialog to open the selection more than once when the Enter key was pressed
    Added preprocessor support to the batch script recompiler

    Set the default faction ownership rank to -1

    6.1 -
    Fixed a CS bug that caused the screen to 'blackout' when dialogs with color controls had to repaint their client area
    Prevented the resizing of the render window when there were active preview controls
    Added INI options to modify the render window painter text's font style and size
    Added a fly camera mode to the render window
    Fixed a bug that caused the Launch Game button to incorrectly execute the OBSE loader in Steam installations
    Added an INI option to modify the render window's default field of vision
    Added active form colorization/sorting to the landscape edit dialog
    Fixed a CS bug that caused the editor to crash if the landscape window was opened when no cell was loaded in the render window
    Improved the landscape edit dialog's UI
    Fixed a CS bug that caused the AI packages dialog to close itself on renaming an existing package
    Fixed a CS bug that caused a CTD when a data copy operation was performed on a newly created region form
    Changed the interior cell near fog plane's default value to 0.0001
    Added new achievements
    Improved the AI data dialog's UI
    Fixed a CS bug that caused the packages listview in AI data dialogs to reset their columns whenever the list was modified
    Fixed a CS bug that occasionally caused CTDs when previewing textures without mipmaps
    Updating a plugin's metadata no longer modifies its timestamp (when the 'Prevent changes to file timestamps' toggle is enabled)
    Added a CLR unhandled exception filter
    Added the ability to resume execution after a handled crash
    Improved the following dialog UIs: NPC, Creature, Preview
    Added the ability to colorize formlist items depending on their override depth
    Added a new context menu tool - Export FaceGenTextures
    Fixed a bug that caused timed achievements to unlock prematurely
    Fixed a CS limitation that prevented NPC records in ESP files from having their facegen textures exported
    Implemented a global clipboard to copy records b'ween editor instances
    Fixed a bug that prevented AI packages from being sorted according to their modified status
    Fixed a CS bug that caused a CTD when testing cells
    Added new render window painter element: Object-Under-Mouse Details
    NPC edit dialogs' preview controls now update in realtime when messing around with FaceGen
    Added active form colorization support for use report dialog
    The default asset file browser's initial directory now correctly honors existing file paths
    Fixed a CS bug that caused the cell view window object listview to lose its sorting whenever a cell was selected in the cell listview
    Added the ability to submit crash reports through an email client
    Added INI settings for the console message log's font face and size
    Implemented a global undo stack
    Added a 'Select All' render window shortcut
    Added a confirmation prompt when deleting a plugin's master file through the Data dialog
    Added a cleanup routine to automatically remove empty scripts after plugin loading
    Added the ability to rearrange effect items in magic item forms
    Minor changes, fixes and additions

    Fixed a bug that prevented IntelliSenseInterface from enumerating script commands requiring calling references
    Auto-recovery cache files are now moved to the recycle bin after use
    Fixed a bug that caused CTDs when compiling script lines with mismatching quotes
    Updated to AvalonEdit v4.3.1.9430
    Fixed a bug that caused the IntelliSense interface to popup inside string literals
    Added 'Open Import File' context menu tool
    Fixed a bug that affected the persistence of a few INI settings
    Added support for custom file extensions when batch dumping scripts
    Fixed a bug that caused CTDs when compiling empty scripts
    Added support for preprocessor macro definition testing
    Misc fixes and changes

    6.0 –
    Rewrote the majority of the code base
    Implemented a new scripting language for the CS
    Fixed a CS bug that incorrectly labeled generated LOD diffuse maps
    Removed the size limitation placed on the texture sample viewer
    Fixed a CS bug that prevented the save tool from being reused after an invalid/prematurely-ended operation
    Modified the 'About' dialog a bit to make it more flashy
    Fixed a bug that prevented temporary reference nodes from being culled in the render window
    Fixed a bug that prevented the overwriting of ESM files during a save operation
    Added a toggle for the deisolation fix
    Added the ability to launch external tools from the main menu
    Fixed a bug that prevented some CS INI settings from being flushed at program close
    Added a new render window tool: Reveal all in Cell
    Initialized idle anim tree root nodes on CS startup
    Added a new INI option and corresponding tool to backup active plugins before performing a save operation: BackupOnSave
    Fixed a CS bug that displayed incorrect line numbers in script error messages
    Fixed a CS bug that caused a CTD when a light record's reference was placed for the first time
    Fixed a CS bug that caused a CTD when performing the fall operation under certain conditions
    Modified render window selection info text to display rotation in degrees
    Added new context menu tool: Show Override List
    Initial implementation of the change log tool
    Cached URL strings passed through CSEIntelliSenseInterface
    Compacted control placement in the Bind Script dialog
    Updated old references to the vanilla usage reference system to account for the new count-based system
    Fixed a bug that caused reference extra data to be reset after using the Batch Reference Editor or Selection Alignment tool
    Moved the component DLL repository to 'Data\\OBSE\\Plugins\\CSE'
    Fixed a CS bug that prevented quest result scripts from being cleared
    Fixed a CS bug that occasionally caused reference edit dialogs to be sent to the bottom of the z-order when opened from the render window
    Fixed a bug that raised an exception when creating default directories for new workspaces
    Made Windows XP a minimum requirement
    Fixed a CS bug that prevented NPC models from being updated correctly in the preview window after an item was removed from their inventory
    Fixed a CS bug that prevented factions from being passed as argiments to condition script commands that accepted parameters of the type 'Owner'
    Patched the Search and Replace dialog to stay open after a successful replace operation
    Fixed a CS bug that caused strange CTDs during plugin load when under certain unknown conditions
    Fixed a CS bug that trashed ESP/ESM file associations at CS startup
    Fixed a CS bug that invalidates the viewport after linking a path grid point
    Added the ability to toggle b'ween two sets of render window movement settings
    Added the ability to unlink a path grid point from a reference, fixing a bug in the process ([that] disallowed the relinking of pre-linked path grid points)
    Fixed a bug that triggered a deadlock when the legacy CS crashed during lip sync generation
    Result script compilation ops generate a notification when failed
    Improved object window refresh performance
    Added new filter tools to the Object and Cell View windows
    Added the ability to change the active landscape texture from the 'Landscape Texture Use' dialog
    Added the ability to edit result scripts in a larger text edit field
    Fixed a CS bug that progressively reduced the size of the Cell View window's controls after each plugin load
    Added the ability to sample sound files inside BSA archives without having to extract them
    Added various "achievements" to the CS
    Added a toggle to prevent plugin save operations from modifying their file timestamps
    Removed a couple of redundant items for the main menu
    Added a 'Jump to Cell Coords' tool to the Cell View window, a la the GECK
    Fixed a bug that occasionally caused a CTD when using the 'Copy External File' tool in the response window
    Added error handling for the lip sync generator code
    Default CS/CSE directories are now created on CS startup
    Fixed a bug in the asset selector code that incorrectly handled idle anim file paths
    Improved asset selector UI
    Added new asset selector tool: Extract asset
    The Find Text tool now hides unmodified/deleted forms accordingly
    Form edit dialogs now display the working form's editorID
    Improved plugin loading speed
    Fixed a CS bug that caused CTDs when painting theme-enabled owner-drawn preview controls
    Fixed a CS bug that caused the render window to lose focus after the active landscape texture was switched
    Fixed a bug that threw an out-of-bounds exception when COEF-created forms were handled by various editor functions
    Improved plugin load performance still further
    Added the ability to undo path grid editing actions
    Added new render window tool: Thaw All In Cell
    Fixed a CS bug that caused a CTD when a path grid point was created after every loaded pathgrid was destroyed
    Fixed a CS bug that prevented the selection rectangle from showing on multiple path grid node selections
    Made render window selection alignment undo-able
    Fixed a CS bug that caused a CTD when deleting quest stages in the theme-enabled EXE
    The main CS windows are now completely hidden instead of being minimized to the bottom of the desktop
    The camera now focuses the origin on loading an interior cell, or the first reference (if any)
    Increased the landscape edit brush size's upper limit to 25 units
    Fixed a CS bug that reverted the render window selection to the original references during a duplication operation
    Fixed a CS bug that prevented the correct parsing of script text containing non-standard line endings
    The visibility state of the main windows is preserved b'ween multiple CS sessions
    Fixed a CS bug prevented the proper destruction of modeless dialogs, eventually leading to the exhaustion of the OS's global user-mode handle pool
    Improved dialog instantiation performance
    Improved the performance, stability and usability of the LOD texture generator significantly
    Made the output resolution of generated LOD diffuse maps configurable, increased upper limit to 6144px
    Fixed a CS bug that prevented full resolution LOD diffuse maps from being rendered correctly (the 'Black LOD' bug)
    Improved the performance of most render window operations
    Permanently allowed multiple editor instances
    Added the ability to collectively scale multiple object references in world space with the ALT modifier key
    Added a RAM usage counter to the render window viewport
    Fixed a bug that prevented the batch editing of exterior cells
    Added the ability to view the use reports of selected object references in the render window with the F1 key
    Added various dependency checks during plugin init
    Increased verbosity when the extender failed to load, prevented it from bringing down the editor during such an event
    Added new render window context menu tools: Invert Selection, Freeze Inactive Refs
    Allowed the use of existing WAV files when generating lip sync files
    Fixed a CS bug that caused dirty edits when selecting cells in the cell edit window
    Fixed a CS bug that unnecessarily added cell water extra data to cells that didn't have water
    Added a new object window context menu tool: Preview
    Permanently turned off version control
    Fixed a bug that caused occasional CTDs when using the Freeze tool
    Added a last chance handler that attempts to save the active plugin on an event of a crash
    Added new tools: Quick Lookup EditorID, Batch Generate LIP files
    Improved the quest editor window's UI
    Fixed a bug that caused autosaves to add the active plugin as their master
    Fixed a bug that would occasionally cause CTDs when opening certain dialogs
    Prevented the OS from triggering the screen-saver/switching to standby mode when generating LOD textures
    Improved the following dialog UIs - Find Text, Idle Animation, AI packages
    Fixed a rare bug that caused CTDs when closing an edit dialog with a 'Numeric EditorID' warning message box open
    Fixed a CS bug that caused the viewport to flicker when loading exterior cells
    Added a counter to track the time spent in the CS
    Added an insulting note to the debug build that gets displayed when someone other than me uses it
    Fixed a CS bug that skipped over lighting data when duplicating an interior cell
    Inducted two new members into the hall of fame; messed around with the rest
    Nonchalantly pierced the chitinous armor of the CS bug that caused the render window to select every pathgrid point in the loaded cell(s) while reclaiming input focus
    Improved the following dialog UIs: Quest data, Quest stages, Quest targets, Dialogue Editor, Filtered Dialogue, Region Editor
    Made most dialog windows show up in the taskbar
    Fixed a CS bug that caused the quest editor to close whenever the Enter key was pressed inside the Log Entry textbox
    Fixed a CS bug that caused the 'Path Grid Edit Mode' main menu/toolbar buttons to relinquish their checked state occasionally for no reason
    Fixed a bug that caused occasional CTDs when a result script failed to compile
    Improved the dialog editor UI's responsiveness
    Added the ability to place new refs coplanar with the surface under the drop location
    Fixed a CS bug that caused path grid points to incorrectly appear as selected when entering the path grid edit mode
    Fixed a CS bug that caused a CTD when a detached reference was loaded into the render window
    Updated the TESObjectREFR class definition to correctly account for position/rotation changes made through the API
    Fixed a CS bug that caused a CTD when a reference variable was used as a calling reference in a compound expression
    Added a 'Time of Day' slider to the main window toolbar
    Removed the ability to quick load active plugins as it caused occasional CTDs when used
    Fixed a CS bug that prevented the script compiler from warning about mismatching parentheses in set expressions
    Added the ability to swap the functionalities of the C and Y render window hotkeys
    Fixed a CS bug that prevented the extended common dialog control from being used when looking for NIF assets on disk
    Made active forms sort to the top of all form lists
    Colorized the background of active form items in form lists
    Added the following new columns to the cell view window's object listview: Persistent, Initially Disabled, VWD, Enable Parent and Count
    Spruced up the 'Select Topic/Quest' dialogs a bit
    Modified the 'Mark As Unmodified' and 'Undelete' context menu tools to work with multiple forms when invoked from the object window
    Fixed a CS bug that caused the editor to reset its 'Unsaved changes' flag when the Data dialog was closed
    Fixed a CS bug that caused a CTD when the sounds listview in a TESWeather edit dialog was sorted
    Fixed a CS bug that caused the render window axis modifier keys to work incorrectly
    Modified the "Toggle (Children) Visibility" cell view context menu tools to work on the active render window selection
    Moved the "Unload Current Cell" main menu item to the render window context menu
    Removed the redundant "Batch Reference Editor" item from the main menu
    Added the ability to maximize the object, cell view, render and aux. viewport windows
    Added a render window shortcut to toggle path grid editing mode
    Prevented the render window rubber band selector from selecting invisible refs
    Added a static rotation pivot for the render window viewport camera and the Control key as a modifier to force rotation around it
    Forced form cross reference list dialogs to show modally
    Improved compatibility with COEF plugins
    Fixed a CS bug that prevented the recursive loading of master files during plugin load
    Refreshing the render window (F5) now resets the visibility of the loaded cell's objects
    Implemented "Select Asset" button tooltips
    Minor changes, additions and fixes

    Major rewrite; implemented AvalonEdit as the primary text editor
    Added new UI adornments: Current line, Selection, Error line and Line limit highlighters
    The script validator now halts script compilation when it encounters an error
    Fixed a bug that prevented the 'New' and 'Open' keyboard shortcuts from working as expected
    IntelliSense now parses global variables, game settings and basically every other record
    Added support for Alt-modified mouse selections
    Prevented the IntelliSense window from showing up unnecessarily after a keypress
    Moved the IntelliSense window into a separate form to prevent clipping
    Fixed a bug that prevented the correct window bounds from being passed to the script editor close handler
    Made number of preprocessor passes customizable
    Implemented accessory operator support for the define macro preprocessor directive
    Added "stringize" (#) accessory operator
    Reduced IntelliSense related console spam
    Standard preprocessor directives are now read from every text file in their source folder
    The script validator now validates IF/ELSEIF conditions
    Saving a script now marks it as active, regardless of the compilation result
    Added version information for OBSE commands parsed by IntelliSense
    Renovated the tab control UI
    Added refactoring tools: Add Variable, Create UDF Implementation, Document Script, Rename Variable
    Added the ability to sort open tabs/workspaces
    Added some fancy transition effects
    Implemented code folding
    Implemented remote variable lookup support for the QuickView tool
    The script validator now checks for invalid variable identifiers
    Made the script list dialog resizable
    Improved thread-safety of the IntelliSense database update code
    Added new shortcuts: Move line up/down
    Fixed a bug that caused an infinite loop when a find/replace operation under certain conditions
    Fixed a bug that caused a new workspace's initialization to fail under certain circumstances
    Added new tools: Find In Tabs, Replace In Tabs
    Fixed a bug that caused a stack overflow when closing the editor window
    Added UI adornment support for bracket matching/highlighting
    (Almost all)Changes to preferences are applied immediately
    Added new shortcuts for the following operations: Save all open workspaces, Close workspace, Switch to workspace
    Fixed a bug that prevented various shortcut keys from working under certain circumstances
    Fixed a number of memory leaks regarding control/resource disposal (some garbage collected runtime .NET is!)
    Added new script sanitization operations: Eval'ify If/ElseIf statements, Apply Compiler Override to Script Blocks
    Added new tab manipulation shortcuts: Ctrl+#, Ctrl+PgUp/Dn
    Implemented a reg-ex powered text search tool
    Added auto-recovery support
    Fixed IntelliSense Interface item list sorting
    Fixed a bug that prevented the cleanup of selected items in the script list dialog
    Fixed a bug that caused the IMPORT preprocessor directive to fail expansion
    Fixed a bug that prevented scripts from being flagged as active when deleted
    Greatly improved IntelliSense UI performance
    Added support for partial substring matches in the script selection dialog
    Fixed a bug that occasionally prevented the disposal of workspaces during a tab-tear operation
    Modified the 'Anneal command casing' sanitize operation to include editorIDs and local variables
    Reverted to the Toggle Comment tool's behaviour to its defaults
    Fixed a bug that caused new workspaces to spawn when deleting a script
    Scripts now need to be recompiled after variable index modification
    Added a new shortcut for the 'Jump to script' tool: Ctrl + Click on a scriptable object's editorID
    Text editor caret location is now correctly updated when the right mouse button is clicked
    Changed IntelliSense's suggestion filter method to substring searching
    The Find context menu tool now automatically initiates the search on use
    Added a default indentation strategy
    Implemented a code snippet manager
    Fixed a bug that prevented IntelliSense from correctly extracting parameter info from compiler overridden function scripts
    Added the option to update the IntelliSense database on demand through the Preferences dialog
    Fixed a bug that prevented the Load Scripts tool from updating existing scripts under certain conditions
    Fixed a bug that caused the preprocessor to skip the fractional part of enum directive values
    The script validator now catches identifiers collisions b'ween variables and script commands/forms
    Reimplemented the variable index modifier tool as a context menu refactoring tool
    Added various new INI settings to the Preferences dialog
    Fixed a bug that caused a CTD when IntelliSenseDatabase attempted to parse an uncompiled script
    Minor changes, additions and fixes

    Added support for partial substring matches while filtering
    Minor corrections

    Fixed a bug that prevented the listview contents from being sorted on init
    Minor changes to the UI

    Really, truly and honestly fixed the bug that caused batch edited references to lose their extra data
    Fixed a bug that caused a CTD when the batch editor was used to remove Enable Parent/Ownership extra data from references

    Added support for all form types and drop locations
    Fixed a bug that caused a CTD when the browser was displayed for a second time
    Added partial substring search support for the record list filter

    5.1 -

    Fixed a bug that caused a CTD when attempting to select a reference in the Enhanced Find Text tool
    Re-implemented how ESM files are handled, fixing a number of master-file related bugs in the process
    Fixed a bug that caused a CTD when the debug log file stream was closed during shutdown
    Restricted script recompile operations to a single instance
    Removed the TESDialogSubwindow::EnumChildControlsCallback hook for causing various issues with control z-ordering, sizing and general weirdness
    Fixed a CS bug that prevented the correct serialization of deleted TESObjectREFR forms
    Patched more spammy subroutines
    Modified the Copy Hair/Eyes From Race tool to keep source hair/eye forms
    Modified the TESObjectREFR::CopyFrom hook to prevent ExtraTeleport from being copied
    Added new render window tool: Freeze/unfreeze selection
    Added new tool: Set Workspace
    Modified render window context menu items
    Quadrupled LOD diffuse map texture resolution
    Added new INI settings: SetWorkspaceOnStartup, DefaultWorkspacePath
    Fully implemented GMST reinitializing during plugin load
    Fixed a CS bug that broke usage reference counting when a form was referenced more than once by another
    Fixed a bug that caused a CTD when initiating plugin quick-loading without an active plugin

    Fixed a bug that prevented the text editor from receiving focus after inserting an IntelliSense suggestion by mouse
    Fixed a bug that prevented the context menu 'Copy' tool from working correctly
    Fixed a bug that prevented the correct window bounds from being passed when closing a maximized window
    Fixed a bug that incorrectly triggered the accumulation of compile errors during a recompile operation
    Added a new context menu tool: Lookup on Google
    Removed the message box that was displayed after a find-replace operation

    Fully implemented form drag-dropping
    Fixed a bug that prevented the creation of new tags with names that contained substrings of existing tag names

    5.0 –

    Added a warning when Oblivion.esm is loaded as the active plugin
    Added command history to the console command box
    Implemented deferred console updating
    Allowed the use of the CONTROL key as a modifier when activating a door marker reference in the render window
    Moved the hall of fame's initialization up in the plugin loading pipeline to fix linking issues
    Added a warning that is displayed when setting a integer-prefixed editorID on a form
    Fixed a CS bug that caused a CTD when compiling result scripts consisting of variable declarations
    Prevented the Data dialog from showing onscreen all the time
    Modified how the CS handles listview based form edit dialogs
    Fixed a CS bug that prevented the correct activation of a newly created/duplicated form in a listview based form edit dialog
    Added a new tool to the Race dialog that allows the transfer of hair and eye forms b'ween race forms
    Fixed a CS bug that prevented the complete duplication of extradata b'ween TESObjectREFR forms
    Fixed a bug in the Save As tool that caused the addition of the original plugin to the new plugin's masterlist
    Fixed a bug in the Asset Selection tool that prevented the modification of idle animation model paths
    Added new INI keys: ConsoleUpdatePeriod, ShowNumericEditorIDWarning
    Added a new tool: Create Global Script [Gameplay &--#62; Create Global Script]
    Added a Launch Game item to the main menu
    Fixed a bug in the console command handler that prevented the execution of committed commands
    Expanded message handler override to include all debug channels
    Added new tool: Tag Editor/Browser [ View-&--#62;Tag Browser ]
    Trimmed some debug messages
    Added new context menu tools: Toggle Visibility, Toggle Children Visibility, Add To Active Tag, Edit Base Form
    Fixed the LOD landscape texture generation tools to automatically generate the entire mip chain for all textures
    Fixed a CS bug that prevented records in esp masters from being overridden by deleted records
    Add a preemptive access check to TESFile::UpdateHeader to help avoid file corruption
    Added new tool to the asset selection interface: Copy Path
    Added new INI settings: UpdatePeriod, DisplaySelectionStats, UpdateViewPortAsync
    Added new render window tools: Align Selection, Group/Ungroup Selection
    Prevented Oblivion.esm from being set as active when auto-loading it on startup
    Patched various spammy message handling subroutines
    Removed the ineffectual 'pink water' fix
    Fixed a bug that prevented batch modified references updating their 3D data in the render window
    Updated plugin API

    Rewrote much of the code to facilitate later switch to AvalonEdit
    Added FontStyle INI setting
    Bookmarks are no longer highlighted in the line number field
    Fixed a bug that prevented the correct parsing of floating point values from the INI
    Removed 'Invalid Identifier' warning from the script validator, making it (even)more redundant
    Implemented a new, albeit fancy preprocessing engine
    Fixed the Windows XP common dialog current directory reset bug
    Removed IntelliSense-generated debug messages
    Turned on autoword selection for script editor text boxes
    Removed the directive limit on standard directive parser
    Allowed the script validator to prevent script compilation when it encountered script errors
    Removed numeric identifier check from the script validator, added check to warn about duplicate editorIDs when saving
    Prevented an unnecessary exception from being raised when pasting text into the script editor
    Fixed a bug that raised an exception when an external text file was loaded using the ‘Load Script...’ tools
    Fixed a bug that prevented tokenless script lines from being commented by the Toggle Comment tool
    Fixed a bug that prevented the variable index editor from identifying ref vars as such and modifying their index
    Fixed the incorrect icon used by the 'Variable --- declared inside a script block.' script validator warning
    Added the option to cancel a Search-Replace
    Overhauled preferences dialog
    Added new INI settings: LinesToScroll, LoadScriptUpdateExistingScripts, DatabaseUpdateInterval, UseQuickView, AnnealCasing, IndentLines
    Added new tools: Sanitize Script Text, Bind Script
    Prevented window size from being saved when maximized
    Fixed a bug that raised an exception when the text field was cleared
    Moved the script preprocessor to a separate assembly for external use
    Updated 'Bind Script' toolbar icon
    Trimmed some debug messages
    Fixed a bug that prevented the editor from instantiating correctly when height was below a certain threshold

    Fixed the Windows XP common dialog current directory reset bug
    Enabled application visual styles for controls

    Fixed the bug that prevented extraData from being batch-modified {Thanks to JRoush for this!}

    4.0 –

    Initial (Public) Release




Edited by shademe
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Uploaded but the usual false-positive alert from Site Bot has set the file to hidden. I've written to a moderator, should be sorted soon.


It's up.

Edited by shademe
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Good work shademe!

I found why CSE can handle Oblivion.esm as active file. TESConstructionSet.exe must have flag > 2gb activated. :wink:

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  • 11 months later...
  • 6 months later...

Version 8.1 has been released.

I installed the CSE to solve the problem of the lip files of the CS v1.2

In the readme, however, there are no instructions on how to operate after installing the CSE.

I did however several tests to create the lip files, but without success.

In the oblivion / Data / Sound / Voice folder I inserted both the wav and mp3 files and renamed them with the same "Voice Filename" of the "Response Text".

At the bottom of the "Response Text" are the "Copy External File" and "Generate LIP File" buttons. How should I proceed to create the Lip file?

Thanks a lot

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Version 8.1 has been released.

I installed the CSE to solve the problem of the lip files of the CS v1.2

In the readme, however, there are no instructions on how to operate after installing the CSE.

I did however several tests to create the lip files, but without success.

In the oblivion / Data / Sound / Voice folder I inserted both the wav and mp3 files and renamed them with the same "Voice Filename" of the "Response Text".

At the bottom of the "Response Text" are the "Copy External File" and "Generate LIP File" buttons. How should I proceed to create the Lip file?

Thanks a lot


You select a voice file in the list above the "Generate LIP File" button and click on the same button. Currently, the process fails silently when you don't select a voice file - I'll make it more explicit.

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Version 8.1 has been released.

I installed the CSE to solve the problem of the lip files of the CS v1.2

In the readme, however, there are no instructions on how to operate after installing the CSE.

I did however several tests to create the lip files, but without success.

In the oblivion / Data / Sound / Voice folder I inserted both the wav and mp3 files and renamed them with the same "Voice Filename" of the "Response Text".

At the bottom of the "Response Text" are the "Copy External File" and "Generate LIP File" buttons. How should I proceed to create the Lip file?

Thanks a lot


You select a voice file in the list above the "Generate LIP File" button and click on the same button. Currently, the process fails silently when you don't select a voice file - I'll make it more explicit.


Ok, I tried again and it works very well, the lip files are perfect. And the "Copy External File" button what is it for? how to use it? Many thanks.

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