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How do I make an external light source like the sun for an external du


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I've been looking through the light sources and I can only find a few smaller lights that are sunbeams etc. Where do I set up my dungeon for the sun as a light source so that it corresponds to the time of day in game?


Edit: I also have noticed that for external cells the landscape editor is used, how do I create a landscale to edit for my cell? Currently my ground is made of landscape objects but I'd like to make some water/marshy type terrain and that seems to require the landscape editor.

Edited by Sigrosa
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In case anyone has the same question here's how:


Go to your cell view and right click your cell to edit.

Go to the Lighting Tab.

Enable the check-box Show Sky

The game should now override and light your cell according to the time of day in different ways depending on the region you chose.


If anyone has information on landscaping though I'm still trying to find how to do that. Happy modding! :teehee:

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For landscaping, go to World -> Worldspace, create a new one (Right-click -> New), clone a cell (I use AAAMarkers, then deleted all the stuff in it), Right-click -> Edit (On the cloned cell), change the parent Worldspace to your created one, then click the square world icon on the toolbar, and your set.


The creationkit website has more info.

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