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Skyrim has failed to allocate memory - HELP


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Hello everyone! I need some help. I was following this modding guide, and things seemed fine. The game loads, LOOT shows no problems. However, about 3 minutes into the game, it crashes with the said message.

Somewhere on the forum, I read something called ENB boost helps. I do not have ENB of any kind, nor do I know how to use it. I went on their website and I didn't understand where's what. Sorry :/

Does anyone know how to fix the problem? Any instructions?

Edited by Celebrith
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Are you using SKSE?


If so, is it the latest version?


The new version of SKSE has built in Skyrim.ini memory allocation expansion settings that are appropriate for 90% of the modern computers being used, so nothing more than installing SKSE is needed to resolve most memory issues.


There are guides to manually change the Skyrim.ini memory management settings, but my hunch is your problem is in the RaceMenu install.


The alternative to the RaceMenu approach is to use ECE or Enhanced Character Editor. Don't use both.



Both would be like crossing the beams when ghost hunting... bad.



Edited by VanKrill
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