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custom follower with glazed purple eyes?


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After 5 hours of struggling with software, i finally made a standalone follower! everything looks perfect except for her eyes, they have this weird purple sheen, any ideas why?




She's supposed to have lovely brownish/greenish eyes, not this shitty enderman look :dry:

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It's a missing texture. Your follower is missing "eyebrown_sk.dds". Normally, "_sk" files are Subsurface textures. I don't know how this type of texture is called when used for eyes, but I know you'll need it.


The loss of this texture is some sort of "bug", that happens during the process of merging the basic head you exported from the CK with the actual nif exported form Racemenu or ECE, that you want to use. This occurs even if you assigned the "eyebrown_sk.dds" correctly in the CK before.


What you need to do:


1. Open your follower's head mesh in Nifskope.


2. Find the "NiTriShape" for your follower's eyes.


3. Go to "BSShaderTextureSet".


4. You'll probably find, that the THIRD texture slot from the top (the one below the normal map (_n.dds) is empty.


5. Link this slot to the aforementioned "eyebrown_sk.dds".


Most eye mods supply their own complete texture set, so you will probably find this texture in your eye mod of choyce. Otherwise, you can type in the location of the vanilla one. I THINK, this would be "textures/actors/characters/eyes/eyebrown_sk.dds". Don't quote me on that though...

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