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aft mcm. follower mjoll still in my group but wont follow me


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I'm having a bit of trouble and I'm hoping someone can help me. to be completely honest I'm not sure this is a problem with the aft mcm but I think it might be, possibly. I was doing some adventuring with mjoll the lioness and dismissed her when I was done with her. I started an adventure with two other followers but noticed when I went into the aft mcm mjoll was still in my group, so I figured maybe I had not dismissed her and needed to do so, I gave her a home with my home is your home mod and I went back to her, my issue is shes not following me so that tells me she isn't registering as a follower. her dialogue options are choices I would have if she was following me such as wait here and lets split up aka go home. now if I want to have mjoll follow me I cant because she seems to register as a part of my group already when shes clearly not following me cuz I dismissed her, so I don't have the "follow me" option. pls help

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