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Merge ESP


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I'm curious if there is a way to combine esps that alter the same item. Let's say that one alters the weight of an item and another alters the value. When I run the esps side by side the items reflect both effects but I was hoping to combine them. Bashwyre will not combine them and in TesVsnip copying one list to the other esp will not work even if I make sure it gets put in the same ALCH subgroup. If I recall it only accepts the changes made by the weight mod even though I copied them over into the value mod (if I recall it accepts the changes for items that the weight mod did not touch, ie apples).


I've also tried SkyEdit by exporting the actives to CSV and then importing them both into a new file. Once again it accepts the changes by the weight mod but the value for the apple (which is not affected by the weight mod) does not carry over even though the apple is shown as being added. When I open the value mod by itself the change is there but whether I import it first or second it doesn't seem to help me any.


Any help is appreciated, this has been aggravating me for hours.

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