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Problems with stair and building in edited .nif

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I have been working on a mod that repairs the Castle. The Castle is now fully repaired and it has collision, but there are 2 problems.

1) You can't use the stair

2) It is not possible to build on the ground, but you can on the walls and roof.


Can anybody help me with this problem or give me a hint?http://i.imgur.com/GozSRIs.jpg

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(1) If you made the collision using 3ds Max and the official plugin, you'll want to make sure the stairs a a separate mesh (same nif, just different piece) from everything else. When making the collision, choose the Stone Stairs collision (or something like that, not sure the exact name for it). When I did mine, I then re-positioned the stairs slightly back and down and generated collision normally so I could get the proper collision for shooting it, but that's because mine were metal (and there was no stair helper CollisionGroup specifically for metal). you probably won't have to do that, but keep it in mind in case you do.


(2) is a vanilla problem, happens because you had to disable precombined for it to load your new mesh. Add WorkshopStackableItem [AVIF:0000033D] with a value of 1 to the base record for the castle under Properties.

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