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CK & Whirlwind shout


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I'm trying to make a copy of whirlwind shout with some other effects in it but it doesn't seem to give me the whirlwind effect that shoots you in front a few meters. Instead it simply gives the visual blue explosion but nothing else happens.

When I use the original whirlwind shout or a new shout with any effects other than the whirlwind's everything is ok.


They may use a different script hooked in the original whirlwind shout but I'm not sure about that...


So if anyone can give me some help or any possible solutions, I would appreciate it.

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After all I managed to make a script on a magic effect that has similar results with the whirlwind shout. Of course then you can add this effect in a voice and the voice in an other shout.

What it basically does, is transferring you (not teleporting) some meters away (I have it currently at 1000 units) and a bit up too (about 100 units cause it's cool ;p). I haven't test it much but if you are going to use it, make note that it probably will have some problems like, if you use it in front of a wall, you may get through it.

Here is the code of the "whirlwindlikescript" if anyone needs it :

Scriptname whirlwindlikescript extends activemagiceffect  


float forx
float fory

;   EVENTS     /

Event OnEffectStart(Actor Target, Actor Caster)

forx = Caster.GetPositionX() - 1000*Math.cos(Caster.GetHeadingAngle(Game.GetPlayer()))
fory = Caster.GetPositionY() - 1000*Math.sin(Caster.GetHeadingAngle(Game.GetPlayer())) 

Caster.TranslateTo( forx,  fory, Caster.GetPositionZ()+100, Caster.GetAngleX(),  Caster.GetAngleY(),  Caster.GetAngleZ(), 3000) 


Edited by darkylord
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