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Bugged AI (enemies not attacking properly, getting stuck , not charging)

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Hi all, i'm pretty new to Skyrim and modding.

I got SSE and use NMM to install them.

Since last quest (in labyrinthian ) i noticed some gamebreaking bugs in npc ai : basically they act strange and don't attack me how they used to do. They often loop in sheathing weapons animation and take a bit before they charge at me


Or stand still while i attack them, don't charge me and do not cross door or bridges.



The bugs affect my zombies as well (i have a conjurer char ) :


-they do not follow , especially when i enter another room or climb stairs


-some times they stay still some seconds before attacking,


-try to walk directly towards enemies trough walls and obstacles


-and this is the strangest thing, when i hit them to turn them hostile, they flee with a ridiculous raised arms pose instead of attacking me

Summoned creatures seem to be less bugged than reanimated one.


This is my active plugin list. I recently added Aquisitive soul gems , object remover and Fast travel fix.

















I'd add when i added last mods (ASS, IOR, FSSM ) i tried to install Immersice Sounds compendium as well, but NMM gave me an error and i didnt install it.

I hope it didnt corrupt some files.


If someone know a fix to save my saves (no pun intended ), please help me :S


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Do you have the problem without any mods on a clean, unmodded save?

That would always be the first thing to try.
Then you can try to find out which one it is that causes the bug.
First add what you had before, see if the bug returns, then install the other ones one by one.
If it doesn't come back, hurray, if it does, you should know why.

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I'm trying to reinstal first.

I don't have any unmodded save, because after first hours of game i jumped on installing mods cause i didn't like some vanilla mechanics (especially combat). I'll try to run a new vanilla game as well btw.


I suspect my save file could be corrupt. If i can't fix the bugs by simply removing mods , there is a way to fix my save file and then reinstall mods one by one?


I found some guides on this site as well, but i'm not enirely sure thay are for this purpose

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Have you also tried a new save?
If you're on computer, you can just use console command 'coc whiterunexterior01' while in the main menu to get to whiterun without having to go through the lengthy introduction. I recommend trying that directly after starting the game, and not after you've already had another save open. Just to be sure.

If the problem still exists, then there's more going on.
If not, then it is the save.

I don't know about programs that can clean up a save. I've never used/needed that. (partially because I start new games very often...)

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