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Player Estate Idea/Request


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In all the player home mods I've ever tried, my personal favorite was the Suran hillside manor mod in morrowind. And throughout all of skyrim's time being out, I've had an idea for a player estate mod, unfortunately I'm terrible at the modding tools, and even then any custom work would have to come from someone else anyway, but here's the basic idea:


A large home somewhere where there's a good vista to look at when outside. The inside would have an entry hall, kitchen/pub, library (so there's enough shelves for every book in the game), smithing room, alchemy/enchanting room, a good sized trophy room with all the weapon display stuff, tables in the middle of the large room for stuff too big to fit into the display cases that line the walls, in between the cases would be mannequins for armor display, maybe even an open chest to just throw gems into. There'd also be a grand master bedroom with a small study, and in the basement, a swimming pool, with maybe a waterfall on the far end.


That's the idea I have, here's hoping the idea can get some improvements, like a quest to obtain the place, and maybe actually get made by someone who knows their way around the tools necessary to make such a thing.

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There are a few out there, and some of them are pretty darned good, but none of them really catch my eye. I know it's incredibly stupid but the big thing I want to see in a player home is the pool room (with waterfall if possible), maybe have the edge of the pool have some small trees or plants lining it. Heck could go one step further and make it like the Suran Hillside Manor I mentioned, and have the trophy/display room AND the pool room be the same room, with the display areas surrounding the pool in the center.
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