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Moonlight tales Werewolf model/mesh/thing glitch


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SO, i have started a new playthrough of skyrim on special edition hoping it would be more stable. well i was wrong.

THE SECOND TIME (not first) i go into werewolf form when i come out i get what looks to be a werewolf pelt hanging over my entire body.


Its rather weird.

I have attached a picture of exactly what happening

http://imgur.com/a/lOKGs <-------Here because filesize is too big to attach


Load Order:

Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp=1
DSHg - Circlets.esp=1
DSHg - Hats.esp=1
DSHg - Helmets.esp=1
DSHg - Hoods.esp=1
DSHg - UpdateDB.esp=1
DSHg - UpdateDG.esp=1
Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp=1
dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp=1
dD-No Screen Blood.esp=1
dD-Reduced Splatter Size.esp=1
dD-Reduced Wound Size.esp=1
My Home Is Your Home.esp=1
iNeed - Extended.esp=1
Immersive Wenches.esp=1
Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp=1
Better Candlelight.esp=1
Point The Way.esp=1
RSChildren - Complete.esp=1
RSChildren - ACK.esp=1
Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp=1
Run For Your Lives.esp=1
Summermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim.esp=1
Better Vampires.esp=1
Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp=1
Imperious - Races of Skyrim.esp=1
Moonlight Tales Special Edition.esp=1
Beasts of Tamriel.esp=1
Ars Metallica.esp=1
Skullcave Island 2.5.esp=1
Riverwood Reborn.esp=1
Edited by blackknight676
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  • 1 year later...

I know this is from a long time ago, but for others with that problem with moonlight tales SE. Once you go back in human form, go to you inventory, all tab, in search type: mtse. You should have 2 items, one of the items has an arrow on the left, click the item (so that the arrow goes), in 3rd view you should see the werewolf body disappear.

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  • 1 month later...

I have the same bug and I uploaded a picture to Imgur here due to file size; https://imgur.com/gallery/LXFwoVx showing just how horrifying it is. I don't think it is tied to Moonlight Tales though as a race mod I've used in the past was a druid themed race and that had transformation glitches too, could transform fine but reverting back was a no go. Thanks for the tip Rescuer559. I use SkyUI so I'll give that a try and keep fingers crossed.

Edited by Astronamy82
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  • 11 months later...

I know this is from a long time ago, but for others with that problem with moonlight tales SE. Once you go back in human form, go to you inventory, all tab, in search type: mtse. You should have 2 items, one of the items has an arrow on the left, click the item (so that the arrow goes), in 3rd view you should see the werewolf body disappear.

I also have this issue. I tried that and it kind of worked. The werewolf model glitch went away but now I can't go in first person. Also I have like four or five of those mtse things and when I equip a different one, it changes to a different werewolf. I'm using Moonlight Tales, thats why there's different types of werewolves btw.

Edited by TModAcc
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  • 2 months later...

you realize this is from a glitch in racecompatability mod right? just go into that mod in explorer, into the scripts folder and delete the werewolf transformation script.

It CLEARLY states on the MAIN page of Moonlight tales

The mod Race Compatibility is only compatible with Moonlight Tales if you delete the Scripts\PlayerWerewolfChangeScript.pex file.

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  • 2 months later...

you realize this is from a glitch in racecompatability mod right? just go into that mod in explorer, into the scripts folder and delete the werewolf transformation script.

It CLEARLY states on the MAIN page of Moonlight tales

The mod Race Compatibility is only compatible with Moonlight Tales if you delete the Scripts\PlayerWerewolfChangeScript.pex file.

where exactly is that? i use mod manager 2, and see bsa file in the moonlight tales folder

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  • 4 months later...


you realize this is from a glitch in racecompatability mod right? just go into that mod in explorer, into the scripts folder and delete the werewolf transformation script.

It CLEARLY states on the MAIN page of Moonlight tales

The mod Race Compatibility is only compatible with Moonlight Tales if you delete the Scripts\PlayerWerewolfChangeScript.pex file.

where exactly is that? i use mod manager 2, and see bsa file in the moonlight tales folder

double click the race comp thingy and open the script folder the script should be there~

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I'm having the same issue, I tried the 1st solution and it worked, but changing back into a werewolf recreates the problem (which again can be fixed by unequipping/deleting the mtse items again).

I tried to find the second solution but I don't seem to be running Race Compatibility, it doesn't show up in the scripts folder or on my mod manager (I'm using Vortex), so it doesn't look like it's exclusively a problem with that mod, there must be another in my huge array of mods it's conflicting with




edit: I forgot to mention, the perk tree also seems a bit borked too... the perks are still there but thing like menus don't appear when sheathing claws, eg revert form

Edited by Randark
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  • 7 months later...

I know this is from a long time ago, but for others with that problem with moonlight tales SE. Once you go back in human form, go to you inventory, all tab, in search type: mtse. You should have 2 items, one of the items has an arrow on the left, click the item (so that the arrow goes), in 3rd view you should see the werewolf body disappear.

That did work, well deserved name btw. ty

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