yashamatt Posted February 10, 2012 Share Posted February 10, 2012 Im not sure if other ppl feel like this but the combat in skyrim is repetitive and lack varriety. there isnt a real real feel of success if you maul a troupe of bandits, even on master difficultly, even in combination with fantastic mods just as increased weapon damage or WiS which though make encounters more deadly/quicker or more often, gameplay is changed very little. once you've fought one bandit, every humanoid there after is a mirrored fight. To avoid this drab repetition in combat i think that there needs to be an overhaul in combat including: PART (1) ~AI scripting and actor behaviour 1) different fighting patterns for different weapon types and actor roles (a bandit would use different tactics than a guard, twohanded weapon users and onehanded weapon users would behave differently from each other etc and less of the charge-and-maul-everything approach) 2) ambushs/assassinations that dont begin with you seeing three or four ppl running over a hillside with their weapons drawn calling you an outlandish cur. Enemies that conceal/diguise themselves in order to gain the upper hand or surround or set up traps or even kite. 3)Bosess that feel like bosses and not like your average enemy with more health, even if they are humanoid bosses, it would be better if they had some sort of fighting pattern that you learn PART (2) ~Animation and uniqueness to weapons 1) weapons of the same skill but make of different materials are used differently/are better for different situations eg a dwarvan greatsword maybe better for attacking enemies that surround you while an ebony greatsword would be better for attacking singuar enemies shown though unique animations. this would give a reason for having more than one weapon. 2)bows could come in varieties for mid/short ranged dps or sniping or magic damage instead of just lvling your smithing for that daedric bow. 3)more creative spell ideas and combinations (though this doesnt seem like just a big issuse as there are already hundreds of spell mods) PART (3) ~Combat precison and immersion 1)weapon/armor repairing....fosho, this is an rpg? 2)weapons bouce or are deflected of walls and cause you to stagger when you miss opponents, forces less mashing 3)parrying/riposte that allow crit bonuses, causing a greatter stagger that just hitting the shield by accident, done just as the attack lands, and viable option to blocking with euqal or greater benefits 4)dodge/roll for normal combat, and viable option to blocking with euqal or greater benefits PART (4) ~misc/optional 1) mounted combat would be awesome, but if a project all on its own. 2)weapons like spears, raipers, crossbows, katars, glaives and whips with custom animations, perks and the things i mentioned for the vanilla combat system would all be cool too ( i guess crosbows could just stem of archery no probs). 3)a roll/dodge to replace the jump with jump only availible when running is a personal preferrence This is obviously a massive endevour for any modder or even team, but it could easily make skyrim combat fresh and force players the put more thought in how they approach a situation other than choosing their biggest axe or fastest dagger and setting the button mashing to 11. A mod of this nature (and proportion) would easily be valued more that any boob/nude/porn mod......and that's saying a lot!!! XD I hope there some veteran modders willing to take this up is not have a similar project going as less experienced modders like myself would find this task practically insurmoutable ( T3T). I invite you to critic and expand the concept if you want to and share any details of similar mods or threads. Inspiration for this concept in skyrim comes mainly from FromSoftware's Darks Souls. p.s. Dunmer are the best!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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