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Mod Info (Question on Gender Based Modding)


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Hi all! New to the forums as well as modding in general (I have used mods over the years but never dug deeper into doing any actual mod work myself).


Now what I had come to ask was see if anyone had done any digging around in the game to see how difficult it is to fully gender swap an NPC. Specifically the marriageable ones. I recently scooped up a mod that converted all the male into females and I really like the idea of giving more female characters for the player to woo, but the idea that it doesn't make it possible to obtain children outside of adoption is a little offsetting (Immersion-wise). Along with the Dialogue changes made for the mod, most other things work out pretty well and it just throws me off a bit not knowing if it is possible to play around with those settings! If someone else has already asked before, sorry in advance! Thanks for anyone that takes the time to look into it!

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For the birthing question, it seems as simple as changing the gender from what it was to its inverse.


How the game chooses whether or not the spouse asks to adopt.
- It checks if it's a gay couple.


How it finds out the couple is gay?

it checks if the gender is 0 (Male) or 1 (Female) for both spouses


if this was an SMAPI mod, it's as easy as finding the NPC and changing the gender variable.

else you have to change the NPCDispositions file using XNB unpacking software and manually changing it from 'male[female]' to 'female[male]'.

Edited by bmarquismarkail
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I see! That overall makes sense with the knowledge I have with programming (It isn't amazing or anything, but I know enough to understand lol). The mod that I had grabbed was http://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/474/?

which was a copy and replace style mod. So the way to edit said problem would require me unpacking the software then right? Might be something I look into... Unless someone else has already beat me to it.

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Not exactly. The gender information is located in <Stardew Valley Installation Folder>/Content/Data/NPCDispositions[locale].xnb.

You do not need to unpack the software, you just need to unpack that xnb file and replace that file the way you replaced the others.

But the problem is you have to edit this xnb for every character you have genderbend every time you want to change their gender.

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