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Here is a mod... http://www.doyo.cn/game/luntan/viewthread/740568 I'm trying my hands on. Basically I'm converting it to English as I use the ADDITEM mod found here on Nexus and every time i open this Armor all I see is square blocks for descriptions. Annoying yes to say the least however, it brought me here because one frustration led to another and I'm learning CK (creators kit). Now after several hours spent Googling ck crash fixes I got that going and found that this armor indeed had the original English ID's so I could indeed rename the 100's of files hand by hand painlessly and with gallons of coffee to accomplish. If any of you are perverts like me than you've seen this armor over at LoversLab and in the comments section several people asking for it in English and no one has stepped forward until now. I'm posting this as sort of a "coming soon" post to let ya all know what I'm up to. The mod itself is brilliant in my opinion as it covers ALL of vanilla female clothing and is very detailed to the skimpy emphasis. Ok back to work hoping to have this done by tomorrow and still have to figure how to upload as the file is like 1.2 GB's. Cheers

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