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NPC replacement mod not applying

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I created a Far Harbour NPC makeover mod, found here: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/23911/?


Someone who downloaded it reported that my overrides were not applying; the vanilla faces were still showing. Only this one person has reported the problem, however I've noticed that I have double the total downloads to unique downloads, suggesting to me people are downloading twice, perhaps because it does not work?


I thought that perhaps the problem was if your current save character had already been to Far Harbour; that my mod would only work on fresh saves. However I play tested this and it still worked perfectly fine for me: removed mod, went to an old pre-far harbour save, took the character to far harbour, looked around at the NPC's for a bit, interacted with them then saved and exited. Applied my mod, re entered game and the NPC's had updated as intended.


If any kind soul could test the mod, or have knowledge on what could be going on, i'd be very grateful. It could be that just this one person has a problem and my mod is fine, but I don't want to leave the mod up there if it isn't working correctly.




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