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Npc clothes messed


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Installed Improved_NPC_Clothing_1_8_1-2674 and seemed to work fine then updated to enb 102 and a few others i dont remember and some npcs now look like....




reinstalled Improved_NPC_Clothing_1_8_1-2674 with no change then uninstalled and that cleaned it up and I can now see the npcs heads rather then it being a big mess. Just wondering if any1 else has had this problem or if any1 could point me to an npc replacer that might fix it. I have a couple mods not installed with nmm but its been months since I've installed any that way so I dont think they are really an issue. Included an ss from my nmm but that doesnt include the 1 or 2 mods I installed manually (1 of them is hd whiterun i think).



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