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Tutorial Requests: Object Template + Mod Object

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Hello all I was on the discord called "Bethesda's Mods" and I was asking about what kind of loot I should give for a person who completed the section of the cell. One person mentioned it would be a good idea to give them a mod for their gun like say the Deliverer, so what I would like to do is make a mod to convert the ammo to a .50 caliber. It would be greatly appreciated if someone could come out with a tutorial to go through the steps of how to make a brand new one explaining each of the steps, or duplicate an existing one and go through each of the steps as previously mentioned.


My second tutorial I would like to request is using the Object Template like to make a power armor suit have let's say the blood cleanser mod on it already attached and functioning.


NOTE: I have troubles with coomprehendsion so if you could do two things 1) include pictures or a video and 2) bare with me if I have any questions.

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