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does the Wars in Skyrim mod work?


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maybe im expecting a bit too much, but i have it on normal difficulty and on insane blood coin. so far, i get random sabertooths chasing me, but not in groups. and i see the random thalmor attacking me. thats it. nothing else.


what i expected was like a group of storm cloaks and a group of imperials walking around and then they shoot arrows at eachother. when they get close, they attack with swords. meanwhile, i stand back and summon a dragon. im running around in the wilderness, like the abandoned shack and next to the labyrinth.


am i not doing something right? should i put it on dark age difficulty? i dont want an enemy attack every minute, but i dont want a barren skyrim either.

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Want to see a difference... load Darkage or whatever the highest difficulty is... 2-3 Dragons at once, roaming bandits, Thalmor, Dremora... I had to deactivate it and take it down a notch. Getting to Riverwood... was a pain in the ass, Trolls or Dragons roaming about.
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well, heres what the read me says in the all versions download.





Difficulty 1 : Rainbow Mode

This is a mod with only slightly elevated spawn points and only creatures that are lore friendly.

It does not change Vanilla Skyrim much. You can have more fun, but you can also rest and enjoy the scenery.



Difficulty 1-2 : Wild Age

This mode is for the true hunter at heart. 90% of creatures are wild animals.


Difficulty 2 : Normal Mode

Slightly elevated mobs from Rainbow mode. This is a very balanced mode that adds a lot more variety to the game.

Might be slightly Lore breaking with many different monsters roaming the land.


Difficulty 3 : Golden Age

This is the "Hack and Slash" version of the game. A lot more spawns than Normal mode, lots of battles.


Difficulty 1-4 : Dark Rainbow - this mode the difficulty will vary - so in theory it is unknown.

This is one of two modes that includes includes increased Dragon Patrols



Difficulty 5 : Dark Age

Hell mode... enemies ... enemies ... again enemies...



according to that, normal mode is fine with me cause its not too hard and adds more variety to the world of skyrim. thats not quite as it sounds when i play it. and theres no dragons appearing either. i was thinking of adding deadly dragons mod, but that might be overkill. since golden age is a step above normal, ill see if that makes any difference.

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