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NMM Won't D/L Skyrim SE Mods


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I just bought Skyrim SE from Steam and installed it on my D: drive.


I set up NMM for Skyrim SE. I can start Skyrim SE from the NMM app. I've looked at NMM's folders on my HD for Skyrim SE. They all look fine.


But when I come online and try to download a mod, I get an error message, "Nexus Mod Manager is not set up to work with Skyrim. If Skyrim is installed, rescan for installed games from the change game toolbar item".


I've followed this instruction (even though I had already done it), and it hasn't removed the problem.


I have tried this with several different mods, rebooted my PC several times, and it hasn't corrected the problem.


One thing to note, that may be at the crux of the issue is that I have FO4 installed on my C: drive (it works great). I have installed Skyrim SE on my D: drive. All my FO4 resources are on C:. All my Skyrim SE resources are (to be) on D:. All of NMM's Skyrim SE folders are on D:. I don't see why this should matter, but you never know.


Thanks in advance for the help!

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