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ive downloaded every EC mod i can find and i still cant get the skin to look like they do in the screenies.. is there a special hi res texture that everyone is using or what? please help. cuz the pastey white thing i keep getting is just wrong looking. LOL , here is a list of the EC mods ive got.. (Female EyeCandy-Body Replacer (nude) 1.0, High_Rez_Skin_Texture_For_Exnem 4.4) with these two it has come close to what ive seen and the look, but still pastey white and not the golden brown/tan/smooth look. If anyone has any info, i would greatly appreciate it


Thank you,


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Well your in luck i just so happened to have just uploaded a mod that includes a save file of exnems mystic elf and the files needed to run it

this should solve all your problems because it comes pre configured and only need to be copyed and pasted into you data folder as is

just follow this link and read the description which will fill you in on the rest



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