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voice powers as spells


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im making all the voice powers like fire breath and fus ro dah cast as spell

i encounter no problem so far beside fire breath power and dragon breath

it stops after few sec (3-4)

i think its because the dragon breath and fire breath animation are 3-4 sec long

how do i make it last like flame spell?

i want it to last as long as the button is pressed and i have mana

could not find the answer alone nor find it with the help of google

i post this before but someone mention i should post screenshot of the magic effect and spell screens

so here they are





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After some extensive testing, I think the problem lies with the .nif file of the projectile.

Changing the projectile to fireball makes you cast it continuously, you keep spawning fireballs.
Changing all settings of the dragonfire apart from the nif to the same as those of the fireballs doesn't make you spawn many dragonbreaths.

So the problem must be within the nif.


Unfortunately, I don't know enough about nifs etc. in order to be able to fix it, or to know whether there's a fix at all.


The spell does last as long as you keep the button pressed. You just don't see the projectile.
You might fix it in two ways.
1: make it a fire and forget spell that lasts as long as the projectile

2: use a different projectile, but keep the rest the same.

Edited by ErianDragonborn
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