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More interactive mining


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I would like to see a mod that made mining a Lot more interactive.. Something to really keep me busy. Click wait click wait is just so boring! Here's what I was thinking: When you mine a vein, the ore drops to the ground instead of going into your inventory. The ore that drops should be much smaller in size than what we have now and should be 4-5 times more numerous. After the ore is collected it should be refined. I doubt this would be possible but in order for the ore to be refined, it would be dropped into some kind of hopper which could then be opened to release it onto a conveyor belt (working something like the log mill) and then into a forge. I think the most difficult part would be getting items in the world to automaticaly drop into a container, in this case the forge, withough having to manually click, select and hit OK. Oh and did i mention that since the ore will be sooo much heavier than it is now, we will need a horse drawn wagon to haul it back to town? :) I'd like to see this as complex and hands on as possible so everyone feel free to add in your suggestions!
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