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Balancing new enemies and summons


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In short: I'm not sure how to make sure new enemies and summoned creatures are balanced relative to the player and the enemies they can be expected to face at any given level. I would appreciate any guidelines / advice on the matter.


In Long: Upon discovering how easy it is to make "Conjure ______" spells, I decided to make a "Conjure Sabre Cat" spell. Thinking it was level 6 and the Flame Atronach was level 5, I figured the "Conjure Sabre Cat" would be a reasonable Apprentice level spell.


Then I summoned the Sabre Cat at a bandit camp (while level 10) and it utterly decimated it. It ran around like a honey badger destroying everything in sight, one-hitting the weaker bandits and making reasonably short work of the stronger ones.


I have since learned that there's more to power levels than, well, levels, and adjusted the stats and attacks of the summoned cat, but I still don't know if it's balanced or not and I'm not certain how to truly test if it is. I enjoy actually building a character, and my goal is ultimately to make mods with spells that could be used by a player as they play through the game without making it too easy or difficult.


Thoughts? I'm sure I'm not the only one who could benefit from guidelines for this sort of thing.

Edited by danshive
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