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Dragon Form Quest, Lore Friendly Idea


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So as I was trying to sleep like many other things this popped into my head, the idea for an epic quest that could give the Dragonborn the ability to turn into a Dragon. Though without it being just a cheat or breaking the lore or not having to work for it at all. Here is a kind of transcript for a quest I've never done anything like this before so sorry if it kinda rambles. I wanted to show you guys cause I couldn't let something like this just go. So hopefully it inspires someone to make an epic mod or something. This is long so I hope you can bear it. The quest can only be activated after the defeat of Alduin. As for dialogue I've already came up with a bunch, but I just want to get the story down for now. I'll add dialogue and journal entries later. This mod/quest would also need a new element lava, something we haven't seen since Morrowind or the gates to oblivion, in Skyrim.


Reports of a strange black miasma similar to the one seen with Alduin raising dragons appears all around the mountains that surround the Skuldafn temple. The Dragonborn goes to investigate, you call Odaviing and after you hear this news you will be able to open dialogue with him and tell him you need to return to Skulldafn. When you arrive Odaviing drops you off at the top this time. You find the spot that collapsed during your gate jump to Sovrngarde naturally, you jump in. After this there is no where to go but down. You end up on top of what looks like nordic ruin similar to the one seen in Ivarstead beneath the gate.


You go inside and see nothing but darkness, and hear a whisper "How do you fight something you cannot see or touch, Dovahkiin."The air seems thick it starts to choke the Dragonborn draining him of life. The cunning dragonborn notices this thickness not like true darkness, he desperately readies his throat and uses his clear skies shout which immediately brings alight several torches ahead of him leading almost straight downward on a staircase, his shout brings forth a scream from whatever spirit lurks here. "No, what are you doing?!" says the spirit. The dragon born is given relief of the choking and readies another clear skies. As he heads downwards more and more releasing clear skies shouts to reach the end of this tunnel, if any. The frustrated spirit manifests what remains of it's cornered spirit into dragon black and cloudy like the air. It yells "You will not steal my dream! All of my work will not be for nothing!" This spirit dragon releases a black miasma breath similar to the air before choking the dragon born of his life, it crawls forward trying to push the dragon born back up the tunnel and out. The dragon born thinking this is a more physical form attempts to attack the spirit but to no avail, and releases another Clear skies shout.The spirit will not disperse it keeps reforming. The Dragonborn notices a stone door through the hole of the spirit he created, he knows what he must do and releases another clear skies, he sprints forward and through the door and shuts it from the other side.


The Dragonborn enters a large cave in the middle a large and unique grave of a dragon surrounded by strange instruments,and what looks like the living space of a mage, the west with, tables, chairs, books, alchemy/enchanting tables, a bed roll and book shelves and chests filled with alchemy ingredients,soul gems and food. Surrounding the platform is nothing but magma it doesn't look like there is a way out, yet. The Dragonborn heads to the tables and reads the entries of what is explained to be a Psijic mage who attempted to raise and become a dragon himself, after leaving the order. He dreampt of flying as a dragon since he was a child and is obsessed with the idea, his entire life as a mage was to achieve this goal. To create a spell or somehow transform into a dragon. Growing frustrated and impatient with the Psijic order he realized the order wouldn't help him with his dream. So he left and years of studying and research brought him to this underground tomb. Which a great dragon must of been buried for ancient people to go through the trouble of burying it here. The journal explains that the mage needed the soul of a dragon to ever attempt to take the form of a dragon and tries to circumvent this by simply using the soul that belonged to the original dragon and fuse it with his own. He explains in a last entry he's about to start the experiment and hopes all will go well. After the Dragonborn finishes reading the journal. The spirit yells in defiance, "I will not let you steal my dream". A skeletal dragon the size of Alduin himself emerges from the grave and begins to attack you with this choking miasma yet again. This time the spirit is in a physical form and is playing on the Dragonborns turf.


The Dragonborn goes through an epic fight with this great dragon, but a dragon that cannot fly and is stripped of true life is easily dispatched by the dragonborn no matter how great. The skeletal head slams to the ground and out of it a spirit, not like the one seen before a human spirit, a nord spirit, with the robes of the Psijic order. He tells you that he finally understands. This will open many dialogues how everything happened,what happened to him, how he knows who you are etc., the most important he will tell you what went wrong, the spirit of the dragon he tried to fuse with himself wasn't possible because the body was void of a spirit. But he understands why now, because you, the dragonborn are the spirit of this long dead dragon. A reincarnation of a true dragon set in this time, in human form. He asks you to use the great instrument and to live his dream if he can't. You ask why you can trust him and he responds. "I didn't work this long,dream this long or suffer this long for nothing, now go. Not like you have much choice, your trapped in here, but I know a way out."


The dragon born activates the instrument in front of the grave it immediately transforms him into an ethereal being and the Psijic mage tells you to enter the skull of the skeleton.You immediately find your consciousness in the mind of this body, ( que dovahkiin music) the life force starts returning to this long dead form, you gain back the skin, wings and eyes of a living dragon the Dragonborn releases a yell from his new/old form, like returning back to an old friend and releases his wings for a stretch. The mage thanks you and tells you to breath fire onto the magma below and it will reveal the way out. This causes the cave to quake and a ceiling above the magma to collapse, the mage tells you to leave now unless you want to be fried and smashed.


You begin flight toward the hole and fly through this large winding hole through a dormant volcano magma pipe to finally reach the sky and for this small dormant volcano to explode and collapse, the exit behind you. You fly toward the ground and land, you find yourself knowing shouts you never knew before, like meteor storm and one that transforms you back called Do-vah-kiin, when you use this shout while landed your spectral form leaves the body, then becomes normal like the become ethereal shout. Your body still there with no soul just a mind, is your past self and knows and remembers things you don't your body will give you answers to many dialogue questions of your past. But when you're finished, he tells you he will return to skulldafn and when you want come home to your true form simply call Do-vahh-kiin again, you become ethereal and enter the skull as before.


That ends the jist of the story I realize something like this would require a lot of scripting and hell of a lot of other stuff but hopefully it can inspire someone, tell me what you guys think! Thanks for reading!

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