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Basic clothing replacer mod help

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Hi there,


Following everybodies help with my prior issue I would like to implement my new creations into the main game as a default clothing replacer that will appear on NPCs etc.. NOT something that I will have to craft.


For example: I would like to replace the raider harness with my own mesh/texture..


Please forgive my newb understanding of all this but just to be sure - as I am a tad worried about breaking the game :/ ... is my understanding of how 'it' all works correct?


What I intend to do is extract the relevant mesh/texture/material files, replace them with my texture/mesh and material files (RENAMING them to be the same as the files I have extracted), make sure the nif and bgsm files point at the right files in my extraction directory structure,... and then use NMM to load my mod.

Will that work? Simple as that? Not even any need for an esp ?


Further to that, my understanding of NMM is when you load a mod like this it doesn't actually overwrite the game textures etc... but creates some kind of virtual folder structure that the game will use in preference to its default textures etc... therefore allowing you to un-install a mod with no lasting damage done.

Is this correct ? So in otherwords I dont have to worry about breaking my game while I play with creating this replacer mod ? Loading/unloading it etc...


Thanking you all ooodles :D

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