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Add collision to an item


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I made a mod that involves collecting a certain item. This item is an existing mesh (clutter/quest/barenziahsjewelrybox.nif) with a different texture. A couple of downloaders asked if I could make the items placeable. But when I try to place the item (by dropping it) it just floats in the air. I supposed the mesh doesn't include collision data. Does any one know how to add this collision data?


(Sorry if I'm not clear enough, English is not my first language.)

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I made a mod that involves collecting a certain item. This item is an existing mesh (clutter/quest/barenziahsjewelrybox.nif) with a different texture. A couple of downloaders asked if I could make the items placeable. But when I try to place the item (by dropping it) it just floats in the air. I supposed the mesh doesn't include collision data. Does any one know how to add this collision data?


(Sorry if I'm not clear enough, English is not my first language.)

u need to do it as if it was a sword u were replacing, through nifskop, there are a lot of tut

u got a static mesh and want it to havok on it, [i think its called havok], anyway u want a none moving item to be able to move around, like a apple,etc


best thing , u need to do first is pick an item that has the havok collision to match your item, then do it as u would replace a sword, u don`t want to replace it with a sword as the collision will not match, and might be weird ingame, rolling,dropping it ,etc

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