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Can't see materials/textures in Creation Kit (purple mesh)


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Hi. So, I've created a new weapon mesh with custom textures/material. It shows up just fine in nifscope, it also displays correctly in all the modeling programs, however CK doesn't show the texture and it gives me a message "SHADERS:Could not find Material\Weapons\44\gun.bgsm".(location of the custom material) The mod has taken a lot of my heart and energy so I would be really glad If someone helped me with any advice/possible cause. Cheers

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Which way are your slashes facing in the path for your BGSM file? They need to be backslashes like this: materials\SetDressing\Artillery\Tire.bgsm


Outfit Studio for example will display the textures if there are front-slashes but they won't show up in the CK or in-game.

Edited by Nutulator
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Simplest way to see if your .bgsm file is correct is to delete all file paths under the "textures" in the shapedata in Nifskope. FO4 doesn't reference them, but all other programs will. If your mesh turns white, then you know there is an error of some sort in the .ngsm file or the path for it is not specified correctly.

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