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Horn of Jurgen Windcaller


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Hi, so this is a total total spoiler.


I'm (and my companion) at the spot in the under dungeon where stones glow and coorespondingly open a series of grates, the idea as I gather from reading the IGN walkkthru is that you hit Z and fly through past the stones and thru the grates before they all close. If you know this quest, you're who might be able to help me and you'll know what I'm trying to say.


Ok so let's say I can't pull that off - and instead, after falling to my death a few times, found a way down (my companion too) to the bottom level, got the new shout the two chests or maybe three, waterfall room, etc.


How do I get out? is it that only those who get in via the puzzle and the flame traps etc. are allowed out? The game designers could easily have found the route I took down to get around the puzzle, or they could have even designed it.


Any advice before I go back to an earlier save and lose that shout?


EDIT > Found a way out from below. Thanks hankas and others.

Edited by goBBledegook
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From the Dragon Wall, you need to go back up to the three glowing stones and go that way.... Console ~ TCL if you have to, but I never have, I just kept hitting "z" and made it through, a companion catches up with you sooner or later. This will take you to the tomb of Jurgen Windcaller, there is a back door from there.
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The horn's room is like behind those three glowing stones if I remember. You have to get past that.. You just sprint past the three stones, then hit z (make sure whirlwind sprint shout is equipped). Don't worry about your companion, because once you get past the doors, I won't do the trap thing anymore. Can't remember if it was a switch or something.
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