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Nifskope 2.0 Alpha 6, can't change textures for SSE.....

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I am trying to change the colors of some textures in Nifskope for SSE. I have all the Nifs and Textures extracted and in their respective locations in the data folder. In creation kit they are all properly linked with the correct file paths and Armor Addon Forms. I open Nifskope, load the Nif, the textures do not appear, the models are white. I find the textures and replace them with my altered ones, then they show up in Nifskope with the textures I've altered. However, the textures do not show up in game. Are there some flags I am supposed to set for these new textures? Or maybe my Nifskope file paths are wrong? The file paths were auto detected and the textures appear in Niskope, so why don't they show up in game?

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Okay, so I made a little progress. I forgot to change the textures in the go nif files. So once I changed them, the textures appeared in game in the menu. But when I equipped the armors, my hands and feet disappeared, and the shield and cuirass textures didn't show up in 3rd person. I'm still missing some things. Maybe I have more forms to make in Creation Kit? It appears that Nifskope is working fine, but I may still be missing some flags, I don't know.

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I'm not accustomed to autodetecting new textures. Whenever I've done a recolor, I've always had to go into nifskope and manually assign the new textures to the mesh.


Just to double check, when you open your mesh in nifskope, expand each BSTriShape down to the BSLightingShaderProperty > BSShaderTextureSet


Then, in the Block Details window, you should see the default texture paths. Pick the first one, the diffuse map, right-click and texture > choose, and get back into the textures folder and any sub folders, double click the .dds you want, and it appears on the mesh. Apply it, and any others, normal or specular maps, cube maps, etc., and then file > save.


Also, the meshes and textures folders you're using should be within the SSE data folder, rather than some other folder on your machine.


From the question, it seems you're already following this, but just in case there may have been a missed step... If this doesn't change anything, let me know and we'll step-by-step it, until we find the trouble spot.

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Ok, just hit enter and saw your progress.


You generally have a few things to make for each piece of armor. On the armor (or shield) form itself, you have the world model, to show your menu item. Then you also have an armor addon form (or more) for the item.

In the armor addon form is where you apply the _1 model to each male and female, and the corresponding first person model. 4 models selected for that form. For a shield, 1 should do the trick as seen in the vanilla setup, but I always choose one for male and one for female anyway.


For boots, you won't have a 1st person, so you just do the _1 models for male and female.


Helms and gloves are a bit of an anomaly. On the actual armor form, down in the armor addon section, check the box to show all. It should give you more than one AA for each, depending on the design of the helm or gloves, to accomodate beast races.


So if I recolor gloves that are different for the beast races, I'll need to make a separate armor addon for each race affected. (Orc, Argonian, and Khajiit, usually*) Then you need to go down the list in the armor form and armor addon, to make sure the item covers / does not cover the appropriate race. Best way to do this is to open a few vanilla armor addon next to the modded one, so you can see which beast races it covers by default. Then duplicate that setup.

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You know exactly what I'm talking about. I have already created all the AA nifs as loose files in the data folder and assigned them to the _1 nif files. I swapped all the textures in those too. Earlier while I was trying to run down what I could have missed in CK, I checked all the AA files to see if I may have missed assigned nifs. The vanilla boots and gloves only had the two _1 nifs assigned to them, so I didn't worry about it. I'm starting to wonder if there is some sort of 3rd person nif I am supposed to make, because that's how I'm trying to view them. I could try equipping the gloves just to see if they show in 1st person mode. I will be back in a bit, let me do some more checking.


I did notice that in Nifskope and in the menu in game, the gloves have a transparent spot, when I deleted the NiAlphaProperty branch the invisible spots were filled in, by colors of texture that were still vanilla, as if my recoloring didn't effect those places in Gimp. This is becoming a real hassle, my mod has hit the wall and I can't seem to find any good tutorials on Nifskope 2 Alpha 6 anywhere.

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Okay a little more progress. Apparently I did not finish setting up all my AA nifs. Also, I don't know if it made a difference but I had the go nifs in the same folder as the 1st person nifs. I thought it would be wiser if they were on a higher file heirarchy level so I moved them up to the folder in front. Reassigned them all in CK, then finished setting up my AA nifs in there also. The shield works prefectly now, but now when I equip the armors, My entire character disappears unless I wear the hood, then the hood shows but it's still the vanilla texture. There must be some property I'm missing in Nifskope. Now that I've changed the file locations on the go nifs I think I will load tham all up again in Nifskope and resave them. I'll be back.

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SOLVED!! It turns out that my nifs and forms were a total mess. Had to start all over with the nif files and get things better arranged. Now everything is working flawlessly. I'm really happy with the color of the armor I might add. I might upload pretty soon. Nifskope 2 6 is working great.

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