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File hosting and Nexus


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Before I start, let me say; I don't plan on posting links etc. to sites much like those that will be mentioned, I'm just curious, is all.



The rules state (Can't remember specifically, and the forum rules don't seem to have this in 'em) that we are not allowed to post links to websites that may host copyright/piratable content (I'm focusing more on the copyright, I can understand the rules about piracy), but if they are hosted in a country that does not have copyright laws (Or laws of a magnitude like that of USA/Europe), such as Sweden, would someone be allowed to upload a link to the file being hosted in that country?

Or is it that we post a link to a Swedish-hosted file, but since this site is hosted somewhere else other than Sweden, it is deemed in-appropriate and is worthy of banning?

Or does it just go against the philosiphy of this site? Maybe both?



Again, I'm not implying that I would post links to such content, I'm just curious as to where this site stands and why. 'Tis good to know the general community :3

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The site is UK based and follows UK/US laws, if the site hosts stuff like ripped content from other games for example ported crysis nano suit or COD:MW weapons ripped and converted to fallout they are not allowed to be linked, some more well known ones are even on the censored list.
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I believe it's like this: The Nexus sites are hosted in UK and therefore fall under UK law. Now, UK has copyright laws and since the Nexus sites follow them, no linking to content that potentialy infringes copyright is allowed. Also mentioning and linking to sites known to host that kind of content is also not allowed (mostly torrent sites), along with software piracy, encouraging piracy and basically any illegal activity (drugs, criminal activity, etc.).
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