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scripting function for "get equipped item"?


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Is there a way to find out what an actor has equipped, like the GetEquippedShield function, only for armor or boots?


I can only find function for weapon or shield on the creation kit wiki, which is not encouraging...


edit: I'm trying to write a script that removes all items(easy part) then adds back the items the player had equipped(hard part)

Edited by SylvanTiw
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There's the worn keyword count but you probably need something more specific or there's an OnEquipped event that could be used in a script attached to an item. The console has a showinventory command which would be useful if you could parse it but I don't think it's supported in Papyrus.


Can you provide some more information on what you're trying to do?

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There's Game.Player().GetItemCount(itemname) operator number



If Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(IronDagger) >= 1




Edit: I may have misunderstood you if you were asking for a function that returned which peices of armor the actor is wearing, in that case idk.

Edit 2: There's also the IsEquipped function.

Edited by skizophrenic
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I'm trying to write a script that removes all items(easy part) then adds back the items the player had equipped(hard part)


edit: Alliteratively, it could remove everything except what the player has equipped, but I don't know how to do that ether.

Edited by SylvanTiw
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