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Nifskope and .Nifs in the CK


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Hi there. I'm new to modding and I'm trying to get a few things done - One of which is just to see if it'll work at all, it isn't nearly done in terms of textures. Anyway, so in Nifskope the object appears fine, Here. It's got no texture or anything, but it's black. At this early a stage I don't mind that it's black, I just want to see it in world. (You can download it At my other thread, courtesy of Senviro, as a .obj file. I import it to Nifskope and go to export it as a .Nif but when I bring it into the CK as armor it comes out as an <!> error marker.


Alternatively, I made a pyramid - which I didn't bother to make overly complex, given it's my first time modelling, too - and I gave it a texture and color. Still, it appears as an <!> error marker, too, while in the CK it looks fine. Am I doing something wrong? Do I have the wrong version of Nifskope or something? (1.1.0-rc5)

I can't figure it out.

If anyone can, I'd like some help.

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I've been having the same exact problems with trying to import .nif files from Oblivion. It'll only show up as the missing texture image in the CK, even if it looks fine in nifskope. Sorry I don't have the answer OP, but I'll be watching this topic for the answer, if it is provided.
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I was screwing around with the textures on the pyramid and I got it to go from being a <!> to ... Just... not being.


At all.


It shows in Nifskope and whatnot, so I import it and where it usually shows the error marker and the "Alternate textures: Marker_error" thing, it says "Default", and there's no object.

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