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Some of my ideas for mods .


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I just recently started getting into modding and game design . I dont exactly have tons of time a lot of design but it has kindof became a hobby of mine even though im not the type of guy you would think would be into that stuff haha . But anyways i just though i would share some ideas for mods i have that im interested in making at some point , who knows maybe i can even get some of you guys interested and we can make something big . Alright well time to start this is all just brainstorming things i would like to see and like to see created . You dont have to read them all as my ideas are pretty much endless i just what to see your opinions . Pretty much my main reason for posting this is so you can know what ideas i have and possibly give you some ideas . Or as i said maybe a few of use can work together and make these things happen :)


1.A huge complete vampire and werewolf overhaul pretty much 100% changed and changing both creatures into something much more rare and running into one pretty much means your screwed unless you know how to kill them .


2.Making dragons much larger and deadly


3.I personally would love to make a complete skyrim overhaul making the game something 100% new not even skyrim anymore just using the skyrim engine and creating all new quests npc and world but that would be a far off future project


4. How about a mod where you are say a killer within skyrim being feared by all and hunted by the guards complete with many changes to the way things in skyrim work including guards and crime and stealth .


5.A mod given all the default races their own unique start rather then just the opening wagon ride to helgan .


6.A mod adding thousands of new npcs and npc interactions complete with many many quests to make the game feel realistic in the sense you can really ask anyone for help but sometimes you can get involved with the wrong people


7.Make the combat mechanics of the game way more realistic and make magic a lot more powerful and have a lot more options and spells then we have at the moment


8.Make skyrim as close to real life as possible by adding the NEED to sleep , eat ,rest and other basic needs . Allow weather to affect when you travel , change combat to be pretty much as close to real life as is possible .


9.I already made a mod like this but in my next update which i have not started i hope to add many new features , but make all the creature as close to real life as you can get and make some creatures much stronger but make the overpowered creatures which should not be overpowered weaker .


10.A mod where you start out as really a nobody and to learn the art of combat or magic takes along time as it would for reals possible adding an aging effect starting from a child all the way to your death as you get older . Unless of course you are bit by say a vampire or descover another way to become immortal .


11.Adding a huge job system to skyrim with new jobs generated all the time randomly so you are not limitied in what you can do . There could be anything from a simple farmer to a guard.


12. Add on to skyrims land expanding possibly twice the size of skyrim , another mod that would take quite awhile but be worth it :)


13.Add many new creatures to skyrim each with some unique game changers .


14. Expand what a dragonborn can do with many new shouts and beyond


15.A complete change to the way marrige in skyrim works , the ability to have a child and raise them and as they become older they can follow you on your travels .


16. Make the dark brotherhood a job that never ends . With a much larger questline and alone make it so you can become rich by just taking randomly generated hits . The money you are given depends on your target . If its someone high and powerfull we could be talking tens of thousands where as a simple street merchant who made someone mad might only give you around a few hundred .


17.Make an overhaul where you play as a god worshiped by those of skyrim . And you can change the overall look and prosperity of skyrim by your actions .


18. Here are just some small little things i would like to add . Mounted combat , Shape shifting into pretty much every creature within skyrim, many more random encounters . I will stop there . Like i said i dont think i would ever run out of ideas haha so if you would like to work with me on something let me know even though im still new im learning . And hopefully i maybe gave some of you guys who dont know what you want to make some ideas . I would be happy to help out on some projects as well or give some ideas i have a pretty good imagination so just send me a message if you need anything thanks !

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