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Shadow of the Colossus


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Had a great idea for a whole new quest line and such idea for the game. If you have'nt seen it, here's bethesdas video of some of their accomplisments that they made in 1 week. :laugh:


skyrim game jam


The part at the end with the mud crabs got me thinking about how battles that epic against huge foes are possible, especially now with the creation kit out. I would make it myself, but lack the knowledge, :pinch:

but I think a Shadow of the Colossus mod would be amazing for Skyrim, so that along with dragons roaming the Skyrim landscape, you would now have huge colossi possing threats too. :woot:


heres a link to the SotC wiki for those who dont know what it is. SotC Wiki


If you have the ability, you should totally try it. :happy:

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