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Switch to first person upon weapon draw


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Hi there!


I've started playing in third person a lot simply to walk about and I was wondering if it would be possible

to have the camera switch the first person when you do certain things like drawing a weapon or entering

into dialogue.


Personally I hate fighting in third person and its a tiny bit immersion breaking (although not too much of

a problem tbh) manually switching perspective when entering combat.






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Just off the top of my head (keep in mind im still new to modding) this should be pretty simple through script or im not sure i have not test if you can do this but you may be able to assign a hotkey to two different things . For exaple say r is the button you use to draw your weapon you may beable to assign in through a script so when r is pressed it also changes to first person . Hope i helped i would make it for you but i just started not to long ago on the ck ;)
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I suppose that would be the solution (although by knowledge of scripting is absolutely horrible).


Currently trying to find a way to have some kind of hotkey (trying external hotkey programs) so that when

I press 'r' it presses both 'r' and 'f' so my weapon is drawn and camera changed. This would be possible

already with the hotkey mods but there is no console command for perspective or weapon draw that I

can find.


I tried downloading the original autohotkey but it has no UI, it is designed entirely for making your own

hotkey scripts.


The search continues!

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