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Dismissing Companions to Interior Workshop

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Hey guys,


Does anyone know how I'd go about dismissing a companion to an interior workshop? I've made a few playerhomes and I'd like to be able to send followers there, but I'm not sure how I'd go about doing so. I've read all of the tutorials for creating a functioning workshop, but those are for exterior and the details are different, and lacking in certain connections. Would anybody know of a script, or any other ways to send a companion to a playerhome?


EDIT: I'd still like to keep the map marker outside, if possible. If it's not possible, it'd still be manageable

Edited by nikashubaiton
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Interior workshop locations (I limited my testing to Home Plate, but I'm assuming that it's the same for other interior workshops) do not appear on the WorkshopLocations array in the WorkshopParent quest script (WorkshopParentScript). I'm stating the obvious, but I'd look at where the feature is pulling the list of workshops from. Considering interior workshops rely upon a different workbench (an interior equivalent with less options), this suggests that they're set up quite differently. This is coming from someone that has never created a new workshop, but has read at least some of the scripts behind them.

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It still follows the basic settlement rules. In order to send a companion there it must be set up as a settlement. And leave the mapmarker outside. Follow Stuyks (spelling?) guide but leave out the out of site xmarker. And you will have to add 1 xmarker to link to the mapmarker. Take a look at my mod http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/23402/?. I have a functioning ground base and a functioning player level (finishing the 3rd level this weekend) and you can see all the xmarkers and how they are linked (they are in the entrance area). If you do it right you will get 50% happiness when activate the workbench, this means you can send them there now. If you get 0% it means the script did not work and you either missed a link or it just didn't fire (in my testing I get this about 1 out of 15-20 starts), reinstall the mod from clean save and try again. If 0% persists then you missed a step. And you can use the regular workbench instead of the interior if you want (I did and it works great).

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