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Daedric Missions, is there a good guy way to complete?


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I see what your saying, but its to easy to embark on one of these missions without knowing what you getting into, for example the House of Horrors mission, I just felt I would be helping a brother out by accompanying him with checking out the house, but screw it, like I say its impossible to play the game without getting trapped into a mission with nothing but evil choice outcomes at some point, I would probably have started the Aventus Aretino mission already if I did not know better from previous games, so am literately am going to have to change my approach and bend the rules I wanted to play by some what in order to continue.


Imagine if it was in real life. If you decide to help him, you really don't have any idea what will happen. Sometimes we do things in real life that we think were good but we did not know that what we were doing was evil. Molag Bal is master of manipulation after all. Once you escape from the house, you don't have to follow the rest of his biddings.


Just tick me a little that there is not always at least a some what good guy option to complete a mission, at least in situations where you did not know what you where getting into in the first place, if you can reject a mission that you know beforehand is a moral bad guy role like been asked to steal or murder then fair play, but going in blind and having only evil outcomes, even if the good guy root is not as rewarding achievement wise would have been better I feel, like say for example instead of killing the teacher in the Lost Innocence mission you have the option of intimidating her to leave Skyrim but you don't get payment because you dont complete the contacted which was to kill her, could even make it costly like having to take her to the carriage outside the city and pay the driver to take her away, would at least then offer a good character path out of the mission.


But there is, isn't it? Just don't go through with the mission.


But it is what it is, so guess I will just have to go with plan B which is if you cant be good then dont profit from it, am in fact going to sacrifice every item even Gold I have on me inside Bleak Falls Barrow each item I am forced to take an evil action, my game punishment will be as follows.


Journey to Bleak Falls Barrow, will use Fast Travel because not doing will drive me insane in real life lol, but then go thought the Barrow to the chest at the end and discard every possible Item from my inventory except a monk rope than I will always from now on carry just in case, will started storing Gold in my house though so not to totally rape myself, will become like a tactical derision each time I leave home base exactly how much gold to take with me, in fact I think it will add to the game play giving me extra intensive to stick to the good path.


Your call, although I what I do is that I just role play along. What happens in real life when we make a bad decision? We accept the consequences (how ever little they are in Skyrim) and move on with life and try not to do it again.

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There's already a good thread on the lack of "lawful/good" style quests in Skyrim.


My personal opinion is that the Daedric quests span a nice spectrum of gray -> black, which seems fitting based on their descriptions.


I have yet to play a fully "good" character, but if I should, I would simply neglect 3-4 of the Daedric quests outright (or work to disrupt their goals).


I think at least half of the Daedric quests are sufficiently gray for most characters. The Meridia quest is easily a "good" quest btw.


Hopefully DLC and great modders will give us some nice content along the lines of KOTN.

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  • 1 year later...

There can be no light without dark, and sometimes, even great men (or women) must steep to low levels, you can always kill Logrolf before getting to Molag's shrine, saving him from having his soul captured, that is the only "good" way out of that quest, much in the same way it is better someone die than live in confinement (in this case, have his soul trapped in Coldharbour)

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What you could do is just roleplay that you come under a terrible spell and that otherworldly forces force you to beat the man, and then afterwords you dedicate yourself to wiping out the followers of Molag Bal to regain your honor. You could punish yourself by going on a sort of pilgrimage across Skyrim in nothing but monk robes and if you come out alive you're redeemed. Or you could do something else along these lines.


The thing you have to realize about these sorts of characters is that instances of evil aren't bad, so long as you can redeem yourself in some way.


Yea not bad solution, just raps me that there is not way to deny the will of the Daedric Lords, obviously its what the designers intended to make it so you have take part in at least some evil in there game, but personally I would sooner have the choice to fight against and deny the will of the Daedric Lords, even if it meant you had to give up the weapons or any other equipment you get from there missions, take House of Horrors, if there was some ways of defeating Molag Bal, if not to kill completely at least to be able to deny his will, like say for example you had do destroy the Weapon via some means to to combat his possession over you and even on top of which you had to find and always carry some kind of amulet in your inventory to repel his evil forces ways else he would constantly have some kind of dark force hunting you down in the game making it hell to try and go anywhere or complete any other mission via having his demons haunt your path adding a level of unbearable difficulty without the amulet or something of that nature, anything like that I would have considered a better gameplay option.


But dam it now I going to have to think up a way to punish my character to redeemed the evil actions I will be forced to take, may start by locking all the Daedric objects I gather from completing evils missions away in some wiped out cave, in fact I got it, my punishment shall be I will not allow myself to fast travel until I have locked any Items of value gained from these missions away in the chest at the end of Bleak Falls Barrow never to be used again.



With the Pilrimage idea from Imperistan, I had an amazing idea, start in riften, where crime is rampant, pray at the temple of mara, and the shrine of arkay in the hall of the dead (atleast i think there is one in the hall of the dead) make your way up to windhelm at pray at the talos and arkay shrines, then go to whiterun (because there is no shrine in winterhold, unless you have a mod that changes that) and pray at the shrine of kynareth and arkay, then go down to falkreath and pray at the shrine of arkay, then you're off to markarth, pray at the shrines of, Dibella, Talos and Arkay, then skip morthal and dawnstar, unless you have a mod that adds shrines in those two cities, and head off to Solitude, where you proceed to the temple of the divines and pray at all eight or nine (depending on your allegiances) shrines, and boom, you have been redeemed. Of course, you would wear monk robes or something, and you wouldn't fast travel or use a horse.


Edit: You can also pray at the talos thrine in whiterun, and seal the mace (or any other foul artifact away, if you so desire, and Labyrinthian dosen't respawn, I believe that means Shalidor's maze, but it could mean the area you get into during the mage college line, so you could seal the artifacts away in there, for roleplaying purposes, you never know if you might turn from the path of good.)


Edit 2: there is a mod on the workshop called "Non-respawning dungeons map" by sconnolly8 which marks dungeons that dont respawn (duh)

Edited by bgindy
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Just do what you'd do. Sometimes life forces a choice between greater and lesser evils. That uncomfortable feeling you get from having to hurt some to save others is all part of the Skyrim experience.


I do hate having "evil quests" cluttering up the UI, though. I'm never going to lie and murder for Boethia. She can suck it, except it's really annoying that her stupid quest sits there on the list forever.


"I found a Talos worshipper! He's hiding in a hidden chamber under this mountain. The lever is right over there, but I have to stand here for the lever to activate."


Okay, if I could have a Thalmor follower I'd give Boethia what she wanted ... but it would be for the Greater Good, so that would make it ok.

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"Morally correct" doesn't always mean it's the "good and correct" thing to do.

so with that in mind, you could be ambiguous in what a good guy is, and still do the quest.

But if you are thinking morally correct = good guy. Then the very act of dealing with daedric contradicts you.

So simple solution is just don't ;o

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  • 1 year later...
Hi first I say I really happy to see what you wrote and what you feel. you are kind heart and nice soul I actually do same as you do about not doing bad quest or those one I feel not right but about you're question I'm feel same as you do there should be some option in every quest to choice your path .but if it doesn't its better not do the quest at all. and if you stuck or accidently lure into one just use last auto save and get out of it or if you saw you are in the end if quest and ask it to you to do something not right in your opinion leave there and leave it unfinished I leave the quest unfinished myself. about redeem yourself you mentionits really nice of and myself rashly happy to hear that you want redeem but you know it yourself this gonna be end that way sadly.but in real life how much we bother ourself our punish ourself the thing we done won't be undone may God forgive us if we redeem and try build what we destroyed or restore if we hurt some one physically our mentally , but maybe those one we hurt , we hurt them so badly won't they can not forget and forgive and we may be under they own, I dunno if you are religious , believer but if you hurt anyone or own some on such as wealth or anything else you need his/her permission to heaven and forgive you and we rest in peace with redeem God will forgive your sins you done to yourself but if you do something to some on you need restore and ask for forgiveness from them or if he/she wasn't in this life do something for they're family and pray for forgiveness examples us if you drink alcohol our drug to ruin gift of healthness you could redeem for God but if you drink alcohol or drug and hurt some on redeem only for God isn't enough and should apologize, restore what you done and ask for forgiveness, but its d still, nice you try to redeem yourself its help to not do the mistakes again .hurting is like nail in wall if you even take the nail out wall even paint the wall the hide the hole in wall , the wall won't be same again and its left mark on it forever,if those one even forgive what we done but maybe they still remember the pain we caused for them hope those we hurt forgive us and forgive us either and help us not do anything wrong forever, hope God help us, we always step in the right path and keep us in right path, and help us not do the wrong thing and not to hurt some on and if by mistake we did give us strength and faith to restore and put the kindness in they're heart and help them and bless us to forget what pain we caused and they forgive us amen
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