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Daedric Missions, is there a good guy way to complete?


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I personally love the Daedric missions. Without exception everyone is unsettling at best and downright creepy at worst. Nothing quite like that moment when you say, "I don't think we're in Skyrim anymore Toto."


My character most definitely sides towards "good" and I've yet to join the Civil War as I've got serious beefs with both sides, and I am after all a Redguard immigrant. That war involves a whole lot of black and white modeling and my character lives more in the realm of gray (with bright overtones needing sunglasses). Most recently I opened the Dark Brotherhood mission and promptly chose the path of taking down the Assassin's Guild completely. My character is quite relieved about this as his spouse and adopted daughters are just up the road at Lakeview Manor. Who knew the Assassin's Guild were neighbors? Not the kind of people I want in the community around my kids.


To me, the Daedric missions are the most Mythological. I see parallels with Greek, Hindu, and West African mythology with ever single encounter. While some of the Daedra are most certainly malevolent by nature I would hesitate to call any of them actually evil. They don't follow the same assumptions or rule sets as us, but then again deities seldom do, do they? How many epic heroes systematically break cultural taboos? Ever wonder why? I think the Daedric missions kind of force this kind of "mythological hero" roleplay and certainly force examinations of morality and ethics.


My worst moment was allowing myself to be tricked into bringing the priest from Markarth to be eaten by the cannibal cult. I nearly went back and restarted from an earlier save to avoid it all together, but decided it was better to live with and deal with the consequences of that decision. The ring she gifted me has never been on my finger and has been locked away in a strong box since the first opportunity I had to put it there.


Later in a moment of supreme rationalization I recruited that tricksy cannibal woman into following me back to be sacrificed to Beothia. Probably the single most unsettling moments of my entire play-through in that mission. It was an insanely morally ambiguous that (in my character's rationalizations) allowed a minor redemption for participating in that obscene cannibal scene by ridding Skyrim of a rather nasty cannibal. I also got that amazing unique piece of Ebony Chainmail which I've never stopped wearing since. Not only is it an amazing piece of kit that prevents any unseen attacks on my character, but it serves as a constant reminder about accepting the consequences of choice.


I really like the earlier suggestion of doing a pilgrimage to rid the world of Molag Bal worshipers as an act of contrition. Nice one.

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  • 5 months later...

I like games you can complete several times.


----1.) Good Warrior

----2.) Good Archer

----3.) Bad Warrior

----4.) Bad Archer


--Anyway this is just game, you don't have to compare game to much to real life, or, you wouldn't have to play a game, you could just live a real life. It has to have something unreal, like 100% good or 100% bad characters. Just to get away from real life, witch is 80% evil 20% good.


--So atleast I hope they will make something, like bonus when you give coin to begger, in Elder Scrolls VI, but if you are 100% Good, or 100% Evil entire game. They sure can figure out something like that and make it be original, that does not look like from other games with similar Good-Evil thing.

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  • 1 year later...

My current Assassin whos a Assassins Creed style wood elf assassin. If there is good options or a evil act for greater good he does it. He killed the hag in the orphanage because she was abusive. He kills the Markarth forsworn leader in the prison because his group kills innocents. He wipes out the dark brotherhood because they are religious zealots who only kill for coin. Gave up the relics that involved killing a innocent except the ones that force ya one way. The daedric items i did get minus the black star would be locked in a chest to keep the world safe like they would the pieces of eden until decide what the Assassins should do with them. I side with the stormcloaks because the feeling everyone should be free of control. My elfs logic is always work in the dark to serve the light and sometimes means he has to do stuff that he isnt thrilled with to protect the world from people who would use them items for evil purpose. He uses the default grey version of this throughout the game to fit a Assassins Creed assassin as well http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/9752/?

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Guest deleted80903

I'm all about the good guy approach.


So for the Molag Bal quest, I kill the vigilant in the house after he attacks me first in self defense. And then, since I refuse to do the bidding of an evil daedra and I don't particularly like the patron daedra of the rival priest (Boethiah) I will kill the priest and fail the quest. This does lose me the Mace of Molag Bal.


For the Namira questline, I play along and clear the cave for the cannibal cult, but once the priest is on the altar, I slaughter every single sick cannibal f*#@ in the room and free the priest. This, when combined with the Markarth Forsworn quest, ends up with a rather empty Markarth.


For the Boethiah Ebony Mail quest, I use a mod spell like "Mind Control" to grab a bandit to use for the sacrifice, then complete the quest since the Ebony Mail is my favorite armor ever.


A lot of the quests are neutral-ish. Azura's quest and Meridia's are easy to complete for "good guy" characters.

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I'm all about the good guy approach.


So for the Molag Bal quest, I kill the vigilant in the house after he attacks me first in self defense. And then, since I refuse to do the bidding of an evil daedra and I don't particularly like the patron daedra of the rival priest (Boethiah) I will kill the priest and fail the quest. This does lose me the Mace of Molag Bal.


For the Namira questline, I play along and clear the cave for the cannibal cult, but once the priest is on the altar, I slaughter every single sick cannibal f*** in the room and free the priest. This, when combined with the Markarth Forsworn quest, ends up with a rather empty Markarth.


For the Boethiah Ebony Mail quest, I use a mod spell like "Mind Control" to grab a bandit to use for the sacrifice, then complete the quest since the Ebony Mail is my favorite armor ever.


A lot of the quests are neutral-ish. Azura's quest and Meridia's are easy to complete for "good guy" characters.

Same here with the cannibal cult before the priest even gets in there because left on there own they would find a innocent and feast on them. I also help the werewolf guy in falkreath because he dosnt seem evil. As long as he avoids other people just dosnt feel right hunting him while everyone and there mom is hunting him too. I dont worry with boethiah though given the whole dont spill the blood of the innocent and dont use that armor anyway. I use light armor set of everything for set bonus and stealth. I kill her followers but thats about it given they are pretty violent.


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Guest deleted80903

From my sig you may see that my personality scored the "Paladin" result, which is perhaps not entirely accurate. Also, reading back I see several people brought up the Aventus Aretino quest so I'll give my take on that one.


I think "chaotic good" is technically my alignment type. Growing up, Robin Hood was my hero and while I adhere to a strict morality it is my own moral code and not that of gods or men. So maybe "Dark Paladin" would be more accurate.


So my approach to the Aventus Aretino quest is therefore pretty straightforward, I kill Grelod in the coldest of blood and sleep like a baby. The gods and the jarl may overlook her crimes; I do not. All filth who prey on the weak should be utterly crushed.


There are places in the game where following a justice such as this puts me on the wrong side of the law. For example, the Half Moon Mill owned by Hert and Hern? I did business with them but then happened to wander into their little scullery shack and saw the human remains there. At that point, my conscience drove me to slay them, even though doing so would have resulted in a bounty if the nearby patrolling guards had noticed.


However I don't have any issues with vampires as a race. They are just individuals cursed with a disease, so long as they don't feed upon mortals without consent I have no particular hatred of them, but I find the "true vampires" who hunt man and mer for food to be utter abominations. The same can be said of werewolves, my character always opts to become one during the Companions questline. So long as they can maintain control and not go feral, no problem. There is every evidence that the Companions are honorable and don't prey on the innocent. During the Hircine questline however I killed Sindig, I don't care if it was a moment of weakness; he killed an innocent child.


There are other situations where my own morality drives me beyond normal boundaries. My characters side with the Empire; in general I am for law, order, and loyalty. My characters remain initially neutral to the Thalmor. However upon delving into the Blades quests and mods like Helgen Reborn or Fight the Thalmor, it becomes apparent that the Thalmor are a racist party endorsing slavery, torture, and murder. At this point my characters will make it a personal crusade to extinguish them and drive them from the borders of Skyrim, even though doing so is technically criminal. So eventually my Dovakiin will assault the Thalmor Embassy, massacre the entire garrison of the Thalmor Headquarters, kill the delegation to Markarth, etc. Technically in the eyes of the law, "evil" or "unlawful" actions.

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I dont favor a dagger but im a illusion assassin with a one handed sword and invisibility in the other i use a bow if too many in the room to avoid detection. love using invisibility sneak behind my targets and kill them as quietly as possible i also use skills like fury to make my enemies kill each other. But i guess test says i lean more to a rogue i dont rob people reason i say i lean more of a assassin. However im one that uses my skills to only kill those i have to to protect the weak. Reason i follow a Assassins Creed style of assassin with the whole work in the dark to serve the light.

Edited by Kaenaydar
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