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Look carefully at the files in the Midas Magic mod. Find each file in your Skyrim folder, and delete them. Find and delete every file that the Midas Magic mod installed. Hopefully that'll fix it, depending on whether that mod overwrites anything. Once you do that, respond here and post whether it worked.


Also, did you extract the files from the mod? What folder did you put into the Skyrim folder? It's important to be very specific.

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Look carefully at the files in the Midas Magic mod. Find each file in your Skyrim folder, and delete them. Find and delete every file that the Midas Magic mod installed. Hopefully that'll fix it, depending on whether that mod overwrites anything. Once you do that, respond here and post whether it worked.


Also, did you extract the files from the mod? What folder did you put into the Skyrim folder? It's important to be very specific.


I put it just straight in the skyrim folder. Went to steamapps/common/skyrim and then just ADDED them to there. Where did I mess up?


Im not seeing the original files such as SkyrimLauncher. I assume this is a bad thing.

Oh and while installing, I chose not to replace anything.

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Look carefully at the files in the Midas Magic mod. Find each file in your Skyrim folder, and delete them. Find and delete every file that the Midas Magic mod installed. Hopefully that'll fix it, depending on whether that mod overwrites anything. Once you do that, respond here and post whether it worked.


Also, did you extract the files from the mod? What folder did you put into the Skyrim folder? It's important to be very specific.


I put it just straight in the skyrim folder. Went to steamapps/common/skyrim and then just ADDED them to there. Where did I mess up?


Im not seeing the original files such as SkyrimLauncher. I assume this is a bad thing.

Oh and while installing, I chose not to replace anything.

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  • 2 months later...

I think Corogl is correct here, unless you stuck an entire Data folder in the Skyrim folder, which should have worked.


Data folders go inside the Skyrim folder.


Esps and Esms go in the Skyrim\Data folder.


Textures, Meshes, and Sound folders among others, go into the Skyrim\Data folder.

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Yup you needed to unzip it to desktop and then add its contents to the Data folder, you've added it to the Launcher folder hence the no launch. Do as advised just open the zip file on desktop, open the Skyrim folder as well and you should see those files as soon as you open the Skyrim folder......just delete the matching ones.


You can then copy the files in the zip open the skyrim folder, then the data folder and then place them in there......Always read the READ ME in mods before installing and really think about using NMM for mod installs it does all the work for you. 8-))))))

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