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Maybe a mini-game section?

jojo man

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Hey there,

I was wondering if it was possible to maybe implement a Mini-game section into the site? You know, you could challenge another Member to a game of chess or checkers or sum-such. And maybe upgrading to premium membership would grant you access to more games?


EDIT: I do think the games should be turn-based ones though. I just thought this feature might make the sight a little more entertaining. (Not that it's lacking in that department or anything.)

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Can I assume(from the lack of response) that i'm the only one to think this a good idea?
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I wasn't suggesting a realtime game or anything. Just turn-based games. The information for which can be stored in very small files in a database and updated as players made moves. I'de also suggest that games be given a count-down timer(agreed upon by both players before the game started) so that moves had to be made within a certain time-frame (in-order to keep games from lasting for months on-end).
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