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An Axe Mod


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I would like anyone who is willing to make me a new Axe. For some reason, I have absolutely fallen IN LOVE with TWO HANDED axes! I'm currently using a modded >Awesome< Rueful Axe, but I was wondering who would come up with something better? I prefer it to be enchant-able, and instead of crafting, Honestly I think it would be cool to Put it at the entrance to the mead hall in Sovengarde, as a sort of quest reward for getting so far into the game. So, I challenge every modder out there right now, to make an Axe! and Amazing Axe! I'd prefer for it to be something entirely new, with it's own meshes and textures, but if you can't do that, then at least try to use a cool looking Axe in the game. Thanks to anyone who will try!
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