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Hunter's Hall/Guild


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It surprises me that, in a land this wild, this large, and this full of wildlife, there seems to be lacking a hall, guild, or organization for hunters. A large wooden hall set in the woods where woodsmen, hunters, and other nature based people could gather together to trade tales, trophies, gear, and spoils of the hunt. Where men of skill can offer young upstarts training in the ways of stealth, to better sneak up on wild game, in the ways of the bow to easily take down their quarries, and perhaps even those who would offer training in alchemy. It could be a nice place nestled in the woods at the base of a mountain where game is plentiful and nature abounds.


Some things it should have include:


Trainers: Archery, Light Armor, Sneaking, Alchemy, maybe One-Handed

Vendors: Bows and Arrows, Axes and Daggers, Light Armor (Fur, Leather, Studded), Potions and Ingredients (Fitting the hunter's lifestyle), Food, Materials/Trophies (Pelts, Furs, Tusks, Beaks, Claws, etc Anything found on an animal or beast.)

Crafting: Forge, Table, Grindstone, Leather Rack, Cooking Pot, Woodcutting, Maybe Alchemists Table




Not required, but adds to the legitimacy of it's existence, as well as extended content.


Pelt Challenge: Collect 5 Pelts from every animal: Wolves, Foxes, Bears, Goats, Deer, etc.

Trophy Challenge: Collect 5 of: Elk/Deer Antlers, Bear Claws, Hawk Beaks/Feathers, Hagraven Feathers, etc.


Those are just some examples.




Location should be in the woods, perhaps near the base of a mountain where a lot of game is present, and perhaps near a river or source of water as well, that can be fished.

Main hall should be long and large inside, with a few rooms.

Tents and Campfires outside

Fur/Pelt, Fish, Pheasant/Rabbit Racks

Many of the mounted heads of animals and beasts, furs hanging on walls and on the floor

Long table with food and clutter in the main hall

Small bar-like area

Small shop like area with crates, barrels, sacks, and perhaps 2 vendors

Small indoor inn-like area with a few cots and dressers, lamps, and such

Various Hunter NPC's who may or may not offer some of their catches for sale.

The Master Huntsman, owner/leader of the loose guild, who offers the challenges


I'm sure there is a lot more that could be added, but this is the basic idea. I'd like for it to be fully immersive, lore-friendly, but not over powered. A place for those of us who like to play hunters, woodsmen, and the like.



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I really love this idea!


1. i vote for The Hunter's Hall as the name

2. i would place the hall in the woods around Falkreath (maybe close to a lake to include fishing)

3. as for the hall set up maybe like a really big long house like one of these: http://www.octavia.net/images/earlyEnglishArchitecture/fyrkatLongHouseExterior.jpg http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs17/i/2007/220/e/6/viking_longhouse_by_kanyiko.jpg http://cache.virtualtourist.com/15/1107462-Viking_house_Hobro.jpg

4. and for the inside have a ragged flaggon sjop set up (with the shops in the walls and if not give them little stalls like in winterhold


im looking forward to this

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yeah,also what would be pretty sweet would be a trophy room were after you kill an animal it would have a trophy pelt or head that you can place on the walls of the lodge,imagine killing a snow bear and having him stuffed in your room or something ;)


So sorta kinda like battlehorn castle from oblivion but I would like to make more for my other houses and such.Oh and Falkreath is a good place to put it..Hunting there is plentiful and Falkreath is associated with hunting a lot

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What about a new valley with a village somewhere in the mountains East or West?

It could include a big Hunter's Hall, Shops around the hall, a player home, hunting grounds, ...

A new worldspace like Lost Valley Redoubt or Sovngarde even?

Once we figure out the LOD bug, i'm willing to give this a go. Worldbuilding/landscaping/interiors isn't really a problem for me. I would need some help with Dialogue/scripting/questing...

We could have some new armor variety: Retextured or new leather and fur armors, but with stats that match higher level armor.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have already started with my version of this mod, not a seperate world space but set east of Talking Stone Camp in Whiterun Hold. See screens here http://www.tesvskyrim.com/skyrim-gallery

It consists of a Guild Hall a smith and a trader, inside theh guild hall there will also be an apothecary and eventually trainers in skills like sneak, archery etc as I figure out how to create them.


Let me know hat you guys think of the exterior so far.

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