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Dwarven Scrap Carry Weight Adjustment.


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One of the things that drives me nuts about going into any of the Dwemer ruins is the carry weight of all the scrap metal you find. The ratio of scrap weight to how many ingots you get out of them is ridiculously disproportionate. I would just like a simple mod that adjusts the items so that they do one of two things:

The weight of the item is how many ingots you get. (Example: Solid Dwarven Metal weighs 25, so it gives 25 ingots)

- OR -

The weight of the items is adjusted down to match how many ingots they give as is. (Example: Solid Dwarven Metal gives 6 ingots when smelted down, so it weighs 6)

Anytime I go into one of these annoyingly long dungeons I have to make sure that I only walk in with the absolute essentials on me to minimize the carry weight going in, as well as that of my follower. And I nearly always wind up having to leave a chunk of what I could have brought out with me in the dungeon anyways.

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If you're using campfire, (requirement for frostfall) I have something that may help you.




You can just craft a chest or barrel or bag, and carry it around with you. Put it on the floor to use it, fill it up, then pick it back up.

I'm not using those mods, though I appreciate the gesture. :)

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